SEATTLE, WA, June 22, 2011 -- The Port of Seattle and City of Seattle have reached a $33 million settlement with the U.S. EPA to clean up one of the most polluted areas of the Lower Duwamish Waterway.
Under the agreement, the port and city will implement EPA's cleanup decision for the Terminal 117 early action area of the Lower Duwamish Waterway Superfund Site. The project will focus on cleanup of sediments next to the terminal, the former industrial facility on terminal property and ten acres of soil in nearby streets and residential areas.
Years of industrial activity -- such as asphalt production -- resulted in a high level of nearby contaminated sediment in the waterway. Terminal 117 was therefore designated an early action area of the Lower Duwamish Waterway Superfund Site.
The Port of Seattle and City of Seattle will conduct the Terminal 117 cleanup with EPA oversight. The cleanup process is scheduled to be complete at the end of 2012.
After the design is finalized, the port will initiate a bidding process for contractors to complete the work.
In addition to the cleanup of contaminated sediment, the area's temporary stormwater system will be replaced by a permanent stormwater collection and treatment system.
For more information on the agreement or information on the Lower Duwamish Waterway Superfund Site, visit: