DENVER, CO, Nov. 25, 2014 -- The Miami-Dade County Water and Sewer Department (WASD) recently awarded a program management contract to CH2M HILL, a global full-service consulting, design, construction, program management, and operations firm, for its $3.3-billion Ocean Outfall Legislation (OOL) Program.
The 11-year project is the culmination of a regulatory mandate by the Florida Legislature to stop all wastewater discharge to the ocean by 2025. As program manager, CH2M HILL will be entrusted with managing the overall delivery of a comprehensive, technically sound, long-term program that encompasses the design, procurement, construction, and commissioning of an estimated 28 capital projects.
The company will oversee all activities necessary to reverse WASD's wastewater system flows away from the ocean outfalls and reroute them to a new membrane bioreactor treatment plant. The plant, when complete, will be one of the largest of its kind in the world -- capable of treating more than 100 million gallons of wastewater each day and injecting the treated water into deep wells.
The OOL Program is one component of the WASD's comprehensive Capital Improvement Plan for numerous water and wastewater infrastructure projects. The projects are critical for the County to meet the service needs of its customers and accommodate future growth, as well as comply with federal and state and local regulations.
See also: "CH2M HILL earns National Merit Awards for water, wastewater design-build projects"
Headquartered near Denver, Colorado, USA, employee-owned CH2M HILL is a global leader in consulting, design, design-build, operations, and program management for government, civil, industrial and energy clients. The firm’s work is concentrated in the areas of water, transportation, environment, energy, and facilities. For more information, visit