The trial was setup to last six months. Residual PAA and H2O2 levels were to be measured every day during regular operation. E. coli counts were to be monitored according to permit requirements. Biomonitoring as well as a stream bioassessment were to be completed during this trial. Points of success for the trial were to maintain pathogen reduction below the NPDES permit limit and maintain a PAA residual throughout the contact chamber at maximum contact time and at increased levels of algal growth. Totes of Peragreen 22WW, 300 gallons each, were set up near the existing chlorine contact chamber where any possible spill would be contained in the immediate area and contact basin. Using the Enviro Tech Safe-T-Feed® System, PAA was drawn from the top of the totes using peristaltic pumps for chemical feed. Product was fed into the effluent flume at the start of the contact chamber.
Lexington Water Systems, Harcros Chemicals and Enviro Tech Chemical Services worked together throughout the trial to ensure its success. Lexington Water Systems designed, purchased and installed all safety and feed equipment. Enviro Tech Chemical Services and Harcros Chemicals were present for startup and supported Lexington Water Systems through the regulatory approval process.
During the first two weeks of the trial, the PAA feed rate was 1.0 mg/L, achieving an average measured PAA residual of 0.35 mg/L and average measured E. coli count of 1.33 CFU/100 mL (see Table 1). The PAA feed rate was then increased to 1.1 mg/L during weeks three and four, resulting in the measured average residual of 0.24 mg/L and average E. coli count of 8.8 CFU/100 mL. The PAA feed rate was again increased in late April to 1.2 mg/L. Average PAA residual during this time period was 0.12 mg/L and average E. coli count was 5 CFU/100 mL. The PAA feed rate was gradually increased to a maximum feed rate of 1.9 mg/L near the end of the initial trial period in July 2016 to overcome the additional demand caused by increased algal growth. PAA dosage during this time was partially determined by the H2O2 residual levels in the outfall due to concerns over the amounts of H2O2 discharged into the receiving stream (see Fig. 1).
Maximum and minimum flow rates during the trial were 2.3 MGD and 0.5 MGD, respectively. The maximum E. coli count was 326 CFU/100 mL and overall average E. coli count was 24 CFU/100 mL. PAA feed rates averaged 1.27 mg/L.