Scottish Water will start construction on the new Tullich Water Treatment Works (WTW) in early 2016, with the aim of having it fully operational and into supply by Autumn 2017.
To meet standards set out by the Drinking Water Quality Regulator, the 11,800 m3/day plant will incorporate three major levels of water treatment.
This will include dissolved air flotation (DAF), rapid gravity filtration and secondary filtration.
It was at the end of 2014 when the utility said it would be spending £3.5 billion to improve water supplies (read story).
The existing treatment works is located a kilometre south of Oban and has been in operation since 1976.
The location of the new works will be on land adjacent to the existing works. Once fully operational, the existing works will be demolished.
The successful tender based on best value to the public purse was submitted by Efficient Service Delivery (ESD), who has now been appointed as the delivery partner.
Jim Tudhope, Scottish Water’s project manager, said: “This is a major investment in our water infrastructure in the Oban area which will safeguard a robust and resilient water supply for many years to come.”
The utility is holding an information event later this month for the wider Oban community.
The project represents the latest major investment in the water and wastewater infrastructure in the area since Scottish Water was formed in 2002.
Read more
Scottish Water’s £100m deep tunnel sewer progresses