Advanced wastewater treatment plant opened in Romania

Sept. 23, 2016
Nijhuis Industries and Azomures S.A. have inaugurated a wastewater treatment plant to treat 22,000 m3/day and meet regulations for discharging effluent into the Tîrgu Mures river...

DOETINCHEM, The Netherlands - Nijhuis Industries and Azomures S.A. have inaugurated a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) to treat 22,000 m3/day and meet regulations for discharging effluent into the Tîrgu Mures river.

It was in July 2014 when Nijhuis Industries won the contract to deliver the turnkey wastewater treatment project for Azomures and Aquaserv (operator for the municipality of Tîrgu Mures).

Azomures was searching for a robust design based on the lowest possible OPEX.

As a turnkey contractor, Nijhuis designed a system with a pumping station to transfer the water 4.5 kilometers from the Azomures plant to the Tîrgu Mures municipal plant site.

The WWTP treats, containing high nitrogen values and has the latest incorporated controls to manage and monitor the system, as part of their expansion program.

Nijhuis installed its BIOCTOR-MELAMINE - a specially designed biological treatment plant - to treat melamine and other nitrogen containing components to meet effluent requirements.

Especially adopted seeding sludge was introduced to achieve optimal growth and adaptation of the bacteria in the biological system.

The WWTP was commissioned mid November 2015 and since then over 5,500,000 m3 of wastewater has been treated and discharged to the Mures river.

Since 1 January 2016 the values are monitored daily by the Aquaserv WWTP operators and the Nijhuis monitoring team.

Nijhuis said: “The WWTP is achieving excellent results and complies to strict Romanian and European effluent requirements.”


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