Nutrient discharge into European waters still presents another big problem because of the resulting water and groundwater pollution. The largest source of pollutants is extensive agriculture, which discharges significant amounts of nutrients due to overfertilisation. At the same time agriculture is the biggest water user. Water consumption for farming vast areas is enormous; the watering systems are often inefficient and implicate high water losses. Regulations, relating to treatment of industrial wastewater and pollution if existent, are insufficient or their conformity is not controlled adequately.
Development and implementation of modern technologies, processes and supply systems therefore are essential steps towards an effective and sustainable water resource management. Achieving important progress requires manifold measures and concepts meeting the demands.
The establishment of modern quality standards considering water and drinking water quality, wastewater treatment and consequently control and protection of standards achieved has to be supported by modernising supply networks and wastewater treatment plants. Qualification measures and certification of companies are important aspects.
On the other hand those measures have to be put into practice by qualified personnel and adequate technical equipment. By continuous education and training it will be possible to establish a modern water supply system. Corresponding financing instruments complete the list of requirements.
Legislative drivers
The EU Water Framework Directive represents another ambitious instrument to improve water quality with far reaching consequences for future management of water and aquatic ecosystems throughout Europe.
According to the EU Water Framework Directive all European surface water and groundwater are supposed to be in "good" ecologic condition in 2015. The directive names the demands and regulations for the various sectors. Many new EU members are facing big challenges here. International networking is an appropriate approach to achieve the goals and optimize processes.
Experiences, know-how and technologies from all areas of the water sector can be exchanged and bundled in a target-oriented way. It is essential to find competent contact persons who support and promote the implementation of the water supply systems in question.
Component manufacturers as well as plant constructors or operating companies will benefit from the know-how of international partners to strengthen individual competence and realise sustainable concepts.
Exporting German expertise
Through the partnership German companies are involved in 17 focus countries and regions, including Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Russia, Ukraine and Croatia. The partnership initiates and supports cooperations and projects.
This has included the Maritza river basin in Bulgaria and the rehabilitation of a formerly insufficient wastewater treatment plant near Zagreb in Croatia. Furthermore, contacts have been put forward to help with the development of the Turkish water sector.
Going forward, Germany's aim is to keep the high standards and expertise of the water sector but help distribute sustainable water resource management and continuous improvement of water supply and wastewater disposal all over the world. Water remains the most precious natural resource worldwide. WWi
Author's note:Stefan Girod is the director of the German Water Partnership, which is supported by five federal ministries and has more than 300 members in the water sector.
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