FLINT, MI, APRIL 19, 2017 -- Flint Mayor Karen Weaver recommended that the city continue getting its drinking water from a Detroit-area system long term, calling a third switch "risky and expensive."
Under the proposed plan, the city crippled by a lead-tainted water crisis in 2016 would remain a customer of the Great Lakes Water Authority for the next 30 years instead of transitioning to a new Flint-area pipeline as previously planned.
Last June, a plan was announced to switch the city's water source to the Karegnondi Water Authority, pending pipeline construction. After evaluating several plans, the Mayor concluded that remaining on Detroit Water would be the cheapest option.
During a news conference on Tuesday, Mayor Weaver also said the plan would protect residents from potential fears or anxiety that could come from another change in water source.
The Associated Press reports the mayor called public health and safety "our number one priority."
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