Aerzen USA

Coatesville, PA


About Aerzen USA



108 Independence Way
Coatesville, PA

More Info on Aerzen USA

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Aerzen designs and manufactures positive displacement blowers, hybrid blowers, and high-speed turbo blowers, which are installed worldwide. The company specializes in wastewater treatment aeration, using high-efficiency equipment and providing worldwide product service and support.

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Products and Press Releases

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Aerzen rental

Sept. 9, 2020
Aerzen Rental provides best-in-class packages engineered for aggressive rental environments with on-board VFDs, remote monitoring, and outdoor builds with sound attenuating enclosure...
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Air rental solutions

Oct. 11, 2019
Aerzen Rental specializes in temporary oil-free blower and compressor solutions under 50 PSIG.

Articles & News

Microsoft Teams Image
Infrastructure Funding

Consequences of the Infrastructure Bill and Buy American

Oct. 14, 2021
What will the new infrastructure bill and Buy American requirements mean for manufacturers in the municipal water industry?
Aerzen Rental provides rental blowers or compressors and accessories.
Wastewater Treatment

Temporary Oil-Free Blower Solutions

Nov. 11, 2020
Aerzen Rental provides packages engineered for aggressive rental environments with on-board VFDs, remote monitoring, and outdoor builds with sound attenuating enclosure as standard...

Videos & Resources

Aerzen Weftec Thumb
Wastewater Treatment

WEFTEC 22: Aerzen

Oct. 31, 2022
Aerzen's Tom McCurdy talks about the company's plan to help customers during times of uncertainty.
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Wastewater Treatment

Turbo Blowers

Dec. 1, 2021
Aerzen provides a range of single-stage high-speed radial turbo blowers designed to meet varying flow and pressure requirements in many different processes.


Ralph Wilton

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