Badger Meter Recordall® disc series meter installation.
To date, 1,900 ORION Cellular endpoints have been installed, and BEACON AMA is deployed over 15 percent of the service area. Since the start of the installation, EJ Water has reduced man-hours and now has the operational data to resolve customer issues more quickly.
Before the system installation, 35 percent of work orders were customer disputes about usage, and the average cost per work order was $34. With the new system in place, EJ Water Cooperative is able to determine whether there is a leak without having to send a technician to the location, thereby reducing the cost per work order. Overall, this has led to a 47 percent drop in work orders in 2016 and $93,000 a year in savings.
“We’ve trained many of our customers to use the mobile app and website so they can check their usage at their leisure,” Teichmiller said. With customer access to near real-time water usage information through the EyeOnWater app, there has been a 20 percent drop in inbound customer center phone calls. WW
Badger Meter is exhibiting at ACE19, booth 2608. Learn more at
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