When the City of San Diego embarked on an upgrade of the Otay Treatment Plant, reducing risk and simplifying operations were top priorities. City officials, along with their engineers, evaluated several alternative disinfection scenarios, including: keeping the chlorine gas system operating as is; upgrading the existing chlorine gas system; converting to commercial strength sodium hypochlorite; converting to on-site generation of chlorine gas; and converting to on-site generation of sodium hypochlorite (created by using electricity to turn table salt into a 0.8% free chlorine solution).
A net present value (NPV) analysis comparing trucked-in commercial strength sodium hypochlorite and installation of an on-site sodium hypochlorite generation (OSHG) system was conducted in order to evaluate the combined long-term capital and operating costs of the respective options. The analysis included risks and hazards associated with minor and catastrophic chlorine gas releases as cost factors. A major drawback to the use of bulk hypochlorite (approximately 12.5% concentration) was the anticipated frequency of truck deliveries through the community, which includes an
Olympic athlete training center near the treatment plant. The safety and reliability of the OSHG system was appealing from the standpoint of reducing the overall risk to the community, simplifying operations and reducing safety training requirements. In the end, the NPV calculation confirmed that OSHG was the most cost-effective solution based on overall risk reduction and capital and operating costs.
Once City officials decided on the Microclor® OSHG system, they worked with the engineers at PSI Water Technologies (PSI) in Campbell, California to design a system for the new treatment plant processes. The OSHG system was sized with redundancy to include two 1,000 pound-per-day chlorine generation skids. The design also included bulk hypochlorite dilution panels which aided in start-up, as well as providing further redundancy of disinfectant supply.
PSI provided project management support during the construction phase, as well as training, start-up, and commissioning of the new secondary disinfection system, which utilizes sodium hypochlorite generated on-site and liquid ammonium sulfate (delivered to the site) to create monochloramines. Since start-up, Otay Water Treatment Plant operators have observed numerous measurable advantages with the new system. The 0.8% sodium hypochlorite (bleach) produced by the Microclor® OSHG system is less reactive and more stable over time, versus highly concentrated bulk bleach. This steady source of consistent-quality sodium hypochlorite has improved control of the chlorination process, eliminated backwash chlorine spikes and reduced THM formation at the plant. In addition, the switch to OSHG means the City is no longer required to register with the CalARP program, saving hundreds of staff hours previously dedicated to compliance, reporting, training and audits.
Thanks to the Microclor® OSHG system, the City of San Diego’s Otay Water Treatment Plant now has a safe and reliable source of chemical disinfection that has simplified operations.
"We now have safer and more reliable disinfection and have eliminated our CalARP risk management program requirements,” Patrick Boyd, Senior Water Operations Supervisor, City of San Diego Water Department said.