Click here to enlarge imageFurthermore, the rate at which the contaminants are adsorbed by the carbon can only be determined by dynamic column tests. Understanding these kinetics of adsorption allows for proper system design.
The first activated carbon selected in this study was a commercially available bituminous coal-based carbon that had not been optimized for trace capacity. The second carbon selected, also commercially available, was optimized for Trace Capacity Number. Both carbons had similar Iodine Numbers, but varied with regard to Trace Capacity Number. The water used in the column study was tap water containing influent levels of chloroform that averaged 12 ppb, and TTHM levels that averaged 75 ppb.
In this study, the activated carbon optimized for trace removal outperformed the standard bituminous carbon in the dynamic test. Clearly, the carbon with a higher Trace Capacity Number yields improved performance for TTHM removal. Improved performance translates to less frequent carbon exchanges, easier system operation, and most importantly, lower operating costs for the customer.
Other water characteristics that can impact the life of the activated carbon must also be taken into account when applying carbon for TTHM removal. Background organics (often measured as Total Organic Carbon, or TOC) can competitively adsorb and shorten the bed life of the carbon, and inorganics such as iron can precipitate onto carbon beds and impact carbon performance. Proper monitoring and backwashing of carbon beds is recommended to ensure that the carbon is working properly and that the system is maintained.
While chlorination of drinking water has its benefits, it also has its drawbacks through the formation of TTHMs. Fortunately, water treatment professionals have tools at their disposal to deal with TTHM problems in their water supply. Activated carbon, when properly selected and applied, is one of those tools.
About the Author
Kimberly Thompson is a research and development chemist at Calgon Carbon Corp. in Pittsburgh, PA.