LONDON, June 25, 2008 -- The IUVA and WRc plc (UK) are holding a technical workshop in London on Cryptosporidium disinfection technology.
Cryptosporidium is a serious issue globally, as conventional chlorination treatment is ineffective against it. This educational workshop is designed to support utilities and regulators in establishing water treatment plans to protect public health.
Cryptosporidium Control in Drinking Water with UV Disinfection: Status Experience, Developments and Outlook
15 September, 2008
1-Day Workshop
Speakers from around the world will explore the many facets of this topic, including:
• Opportunities & Limits
• Status of the Technology
• Regional Guidelines
• Operational Experiences
• AComparison of Technologies
• Use in Small Systems
• AUKRegulator's Perspective
This event is being held at Imperial College London on the 15th of September, 2008. Registration includes Refreshment Breaks and Lunch.
Not an IUVAmember? Not a problem. The general public is welcome to attend this educational event.
For more information and registration details, see: