OSEC B-Pak sodium hypochlorite generation system from Siemens Water Technologies.
Combined, the plants treat roughly 2.4 million m³ (634 million gallons) per day and serve approximately 1.6 million residents. These plant optimizations are part of a multi-billion dollar project that includes the update of all WTPs as well as the distribution system on the Island of Montreal.
Five OSEC B-Pak systems will be installed at the Des Baillets WTP for a capacity of 140 kg/hr (7,500 ppd); six others will be installed at the Atwater plant for a capacity of 168 kg/hr (9,000 ppd). The systems at the Des Baillets plant are expected to be operational next year; those at the Atwater plant, in 2012.
By producing hypochlorite on site and on demand, the OSEC system eliminates concerns associated with transportation and storage of liquefied chlorine gas or commercial sodium hypochlorite solutions, making it ideal for any application requiring chlorination. And contrary to high-strength commercial sodium hypochlorite solutions, the low concentration of the hypochlorite solution generated by the OSEC B-Pak system minimizes corrosion and degradation. In addition, extensive safety measures are taken in disposing of hydrogen -- the system's only byproduct. Neither special safety equipment nor clothing associated with usage of chlorine gas is needed, nor does a costly Risk Management Plan need to be implemented and maintained.
The small footprint OSEC B-Pak skid system is a fully automated, pre-packaged on-site hypochlorite generation system designed for fast and economical installation, safe operation and easy maintenance. Skids are shipped completely piped, wired and tested. The OSEC system generates a 0.8% sodium hypochlorite solution through the electrolysis of brine, consuming only water, salt and electricity. The system also ensures accurate and reliable brine measurement for high efficiencies.
The city of Montreal worked with consultant Consortium SNC-Lavlin/Dessau-Soprin (Montreal), contractor Filtrum Inc. (Quebec City), and equipment manufacturer Siemens Water Technologies on the project. The city ultimately selected Siemens' OSEC B-Pak systems over similar competitive technology for their safety and cost-effectiveness.
During the past six decades, the city of Montreal and Siemens have worked together on a number of projects. For example, Wallace & Tiernan gas chlorination and analytical equipment are installed at both the Atwater and Charles J. Des Baillets plants. Similar equipment, as well as Wallace & Tiernan metering pumps and dry feeders, is also installed at other Montreal plants.
Five OSEC B-Pak systems will be installed at the Des Baillets WTP for a capacity of 140 kg/hr (7,500 ppd). Six systems will be installed at the Atwater plant for a capacity of 168 kg/hr (9,000 ppd).
The Siemens Industry Sector (Erlangen, Germany) is the world's leading supplier of production, transportation, building and lighting technologies. The Sector consists of six Divisions: Building Technologies, Drive Technologies, Industry Automation, Industry Solutions, Mobility and Osram.