MINNEAPOLIS, MN, Dec. 15, 2009 -- The American Filtration and Separations Society will hold its 23rd Annual Technical Conference & Exhibition on March 22-25, 2010 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in San Antonio, Texas.
To further impact the separation society and reach out to even more experts in the field we are proud to announce that the 2010 AFS Annual Technical Conference will be co-located with the 2010 AIChE Spring National Meeting in San Antonio, Texas.
The co-location with the AIChE will give excellent opportunity to approach an outstandingly big audience of more than 500 technical and academic experts, since the sessions of both organizations will be fully accessible to all attendees at no additional charge.
Strong emphasis is given to both liquid and gas separations. Within these fields are areas of interest involving the hardware, the appropriate filter media, the overall system and its operation, product evaluation and monitoring, instrumentation, ancillary products such as supports, resins and adhesives, requirements for specific applications, safety and health aspects, selection protocols, and particle science and characterization. Understanding the basic aspects of the processes and the mathematical modeling of these operations will play an important role in improved design and operation.
The current economic climate results in significant pressure on most industries. Production rates are down, capital spending is reduced, cost control efforts take over and morale is low. In difficult times like these we should remind ourselves that filtration and separation can play a key role in approaching these challenges. Recent signs of economic stabilization also require an even stronger effort on market evaluation and preparation to increased demand. In the past year resources were concentrated on product and process development, which promises to have generated important novelties for the separation society.
The AFS provides an important platform to keep your company updated on the new opportunities. The vision of the 2010 Annual Conference is to discuss the challenges and the opportunities in separations to address energy and environmental issues and to prepare for the growth in the area of biotechnology.
Research and development efforts in the field of biotechnology produce exciting novelties nearly everyday. Novel products and novel ways of processing improve everybody's life and enable sustainability, growth and cost efficiency. This track is presenting the downstream bio processing novelties, their application and process integration.
• Novel Separation Technology
• Membrane Separation
• Downstream Bioprocessing and Process Integration
• Selective Separation
• Pretreatment in BioSeparation
• Insitu Product Recovery
• Chromatography
• Impact of upstream processing on separation performance
Fundamentals and Applications
Advances in Fluid/Particle separations rely upon fundamental understanding and application of the basic physics. Proper models and simulations are essential as are well designed experiments and observations. This track has sessions for paper presentations on model development, computer simulations and practical applications. Separate sessions are provided for separations of nanomaterials, media design, equipment design, and testing.
• Theory and Simulations I and II
• Nanoscale/nanoparticle separations
• Solids Liquid Separation In The Chemical Industry
• New Methods in Fluid/Particle Separations
• Gas/Liquid and Liquid/Liquid Separations
• Filter Media Design
• Cross Flow Filtration
• Modeling of Media Structure
Energy and Environment
Theme for this track is filtration and separations impact and role past, present and future on energy generation and conservation, and environment preservation from many points of view. The impact and role of filtration and separations is quite implicit and is widely interpreted depending on specific applications. Fundamentally, however, its role is encompassing more and more what impact on energy and environment it affects, while performing its basic function of maintaining and extending equipment service life and protecting larger and larger investments.
• Emission Control Future & Challenges
• Water treatment and recycle including Policy (2 sessions)
• Bio Fuels
• Alternative Energy
• Low-Energy Separations - Application of Membranes
• Nanofibers
• Baghouse filtration
The conference offers companies the opportunity to promote their products and services through conference sponsorships and tabletop exhibits. This conference will be the largest gathering of filtration and separation experts in North America in 2009.
The conference is kicked off on Monday, March 22nd with eleven short courses being offered. These courses include:
• Fundamentals of Liquid Filtration
• Fundamentals of Air/Gas Filtration
• Microfiltration Membranes
• Ultrafiltration Membranes
• Gas Solid Separation with Fabric Filters
• Gas Solid Separation with Cyclones
• Nonwoven Air Filtration
• Electrostatic Charging and Electrets for Air Filter Media
• Dewatering in Wastewater Treatment
• Liquid Filtration Testing Basics
• Reverse Osmosis System Design
For information on the conference go to: http://www.afssociety.org/spring2010/
For information on the short courses go to: http://www.afssociety.org/shortcourse/
For information on conference sponsorships and tabletop exhibits go to: http://www.afssociety.org/spring2010/index.html#sponsor
About AFS
AFS is the premier organization in North America dedicated to R&D, problem solutions and technology transfer in filtration and separation for the benefit of industrial processes, individual health and a clean environment. The AFS conferences and events bring together the industry leaders, presenting the greatest opportunity to meet and hear the newest information in filtration and separation technology. Over the past two years over 300 organizations have sent representatives to AFS events. These companies understand the value of employees with knowledge of the latest information in filtration and separation technology.