Figure 1. The Author performing a field toxicity test. Proficiency training should be performed in whatever protective gear is expected to be used in the field to evaluate for loss of dexterity.The choice of test kit can also be tailored to the user's skill level. Fortunately, for most parameters of common interest, there are a variety of analytical methodologies designed to serve the various user communities. Method difficulty ranges from simple to use and easy to interpret visual test strips to field portable GC-MS systems. It is important when making a choice of which analytical method to deploy in the field to be well aware of the competence of the end user.
Even highly trained and proficient operators can make mistakes when trying to operate equipment or perform procedures in emergency situations. This failure to accurately complete even well drilled tasks in stressful situations was amply demonstrated in the American Civil War. Weapons of that time period were predominately cap and ball muzzleloaders. The procedure for loading was to place the powder in the barrel of the gun, then a wad and finally the ball. After loading a firing cap was attached and the weapon was discharged and the procedure repeated. Many times after a heated battle, when the troops were undergoing weapon inspection, it would be found that the barrels of the guns were completely full of unfired rounds. In the heat of battle, the troops had forgotten to place the firing cap before pulling the trigger and hence kept reloading an already loaded gun. While most water testing situations are by no means as stressful as battle, field-testing in emergency situations can be quite tense and the less demanding the procedure is, the better. Always remember that while practice may not make you perfect it sure can help.
About the Author: Dan Kroll is chief scientist at Hach Company's Homeland Security Technologies division, in Loveland, CO. He has been the lead researcher on a variety of method development projects for the physical, chemical and microbiological quality of water and soils for which he holds several patents.
[WaterWorld Online, July 2010]