Click here to enlarge imageMetering pumpsNew seepex non-metallic MDP pumps are designed for metering aggressive chemicals like sodium hypochlorite, ferric chloride and strong acids and bases. Pump bodies are HDPE, with a patented, jointless, one-piece rotating unit made of PVDF, and a PTFE seal. The pumps do not pulsate, have a 20:1 standard turndown, a 10-turn Vernier-type speed potentiometer, an H-O-A switch, accept a 4-20 mA signal and operate with a 115 vAC input. They do not need pulsation dampeners or pressure regulators, will not gas or vapor lock and have a low NPSHR. Pumps and repair parts are stocked.seepex, Inc.Enon, OHTel: 937-864-7150Web: