Products & Services: Meters & Meter Reading Equipment
Metering systems
Elster Water manufactures and distributes metering products to the global utility, sub-metering and industrial markets. For the utility market, Elster AMCO Water Metering provides a full line of meters that meet or exceed applicable AWWA specifications. As the world's largest multi-utility metering company, the Elster Group is also a leading provider of both automated meter reading (AMR) and advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) systems and solutions for electricity, gas and water.
Elster Water
Meter pulse kit
RIO Tronics manufactures submersible retrofit meter pulse kits for Neptune meters. The kits allow the meters to be used for AMR/AMI. The retrofit solution is easy to field install, and provides high resolution digital, dry contact connections to most water meter reading, water submetering, and AMR/AMI systems.
Using Neptune's R900® radio frequency meter interface units (RF MIUs), utilities can capture more reads – more accurately, more often. The high power MIU is the center of a migratable system that supports handheld, mobile, hybrid, and full fixed network meter reading. It needs no FCC license to operate and requires no programming. The R900 also enables the Plus features of Neptune's E-Coder® solid state absolute encoder, including leak, tamper, and reverse flow detection.
Neptune Technologies Group
Smart grid platform
GridLinx™ Interpreter™ from Master Meter is an integrated RF solution providing access for water meters to an electric utility smart grid platform. This universal water endpoint works with almost every brand water meter, without wires, and takes advantage of the Landis and Gyr Gridstream AMI system. If a water system operates under the footprint of an electric utility using the GridStream smart grid, this solution piggybacks on that network to implement AMI for water, while eliminating the need for more infrastructure and redundancy.
Master Meter
Transit-time flowmeter
Spire Metering Technology, formerly Shenitech, has announced the availability of the enhanced ultrasonic EF10 flowmeter a new wall-mount transit-time flowmeter. A member of the EnduroFlow® Series, the new EF10 is lighter and more compact than previous models, and can be deployed as a single unit or part of a multiple unit configuration, based on application size, scope, and environment.
Spire Metering Technology
Portable velocity flow meter
Hach's new FH950 Portable Velocity Flow Meter with electromagnetic sensor simplifies the velocity measurement process for stream discharge measurements, primary device calibration and sewer spot-check measurements. Step-by-step instructions guide the user through the flow profiling process.
Hach Co. Flow Products and Services
Rechargeable batteries
Tadiran TLI Series rechargeable lithium-ion cells deliver long-life in harsh environments. Unlike standard rechargeable batteries, the series offers longer operating life (10 years), wider operating temperature (-40°C to 85°C, with storage up to 90oC), lower annual self-discharge rate (< 5%), and up to 5,000 full recharge cycles even at extreme temperatures.
Tadiran Batteries
Meter display
A new high resolution electronic liquid crystal display (LCD) encoder from Badger Meter provides utilities with improved reading performance and important feature upgrades over other encoders. The High Resolution Encoder (HR-E LCD) is fully electronic, solid-state and field programmable.
Badger Meter
Flow meters
McCrometer offers a wide array of flow meter technologies and solutions, including the FPI Mag™, the industry's only multi-electrode, hot tap, full profile insertion electromagnetic flow meter. The meter offers high performance accuracy, a standard Quick-Connect cable fitting and an improved ordering process, making delivery quicker.
McCrometer Inc.
The new Accusonic Model 8510 is a multiple-path, transit-time flowmeter. The backward compatible meter is designed to conquer challenging installation and measurement requirements associated with large pipes and channels in a variety of applications. The meter can meet the installation challenges of large ultraviolet (UV) disinfection systems which require very accurate flow measurement to operate most efficiently.
Accusonic Technologies
Seametrics is an ISO-certified manufacturer of electromagnetic flow meters in a variety of designs suitable to a wide range of applications. These include insertion, spool, and low-flow chemical-resistant magmeters. Products include its WMP-Series plastic-bodied magmeter, PE-Series low-flow magmeter, WMX-Series flanged magmeter, and EX-Series insertion magmeter.
Two-way AMI
The Mi.Net® Mueller Infrastructure Network for Utilities provides a true two-way advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) system. The system enables utilities to improve operational efficiencies and customer service by fully automating the meter reading-to-billing process and linking meters, distribution sites and control devices in a single wireless mesh communication network.
Mueller Systems
Flow monitoring
Primary Flow Signal's Halmi Flow Nozzle (PFS-HN) is designed for open conduit flow monitoring for water, sewage, sludge, or any other material flowing in a non-pressurized environment. With the built-in variable discharge feature, and the ability to measure an accurate rate of flow indication without the use of a secondary instrument, the PFS-HN manages adverse piping conditions, high velocity flows, and a wide range of demanding application conditions generally consistent with non-pressurized flow measurement.
Primary Flow Signal Inc.
Vortex-shedding meters
Universal Flow Monitors' P420 plastic-construction, vortex-shedding flowmeters are suited for use in process water, membrane permeate, brine and corrosive fluids in water treatment, and desalination and chemical treatment applications. The flowmeters are often used as components of skid-mounted systems offered by water treatment vendors.
Universal Flow Monitors
Leak detection
The Star ZoneScan solution from Aclara combines the fixed Star Network system with leak-detection technology from Gutermann International. The system checks and analyzes noise characteristics on water lines at regularly scheduled intervals. Acoustic samples from each ZoneScan unit are collected by an Aclara meter transmitter, located in the pit lid, and then transferred to the utility.
Gas flow monitoring
Endress+Hauser's Prosonic Flow B 200 is suited for continuous process control in biogas applications, offering Intrinsically Safe and Explosion-Proof designs approved for Class I, Division 1 areas. The flowmeter can be used in low pressure gas applications with multivariable measurement of volume flow rate, temperature and calculation of methane fraction and energy flow parameters.
Endress+Hauser USA
AMI systems
Itron AMI solutions, designed upon the company's ChoiceConnect architecture, feature data collection technologies that increase operational efficiencies, enhance customer engagement and ensure system integrity. Built on its ERT-based 900 MHz platform and leveraging 100G, 100W and high-powered Centron devices, the company's mobile, fixed network and enhanced monitoring systems provide users with an array of flexible meter reading options.
Itron Inc.
Smart grid
The Sensus FlexNet was designed and built specifically for electric, gas and water utility smart grid applications. Working with smart meters, the system provides utilities a dedicated and secure two-way communications highway over which to transmit and receive customer usage data – the hallmark of Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) solutions.