Marsh-McBirney Multi-Mag flow meter.
Click here to enlarge imageMarsh-McBirney was a pioneer in the field of insertion electromagnetic flowmeters. The company’s first product to combine the accuracy of electromagnetic velocity measurement with the ease of installation of an insertable probe was introduced in 1976.
At the time, its insertion magmeters were unique in their ability to perform a “profile” of pipe velocities - enabling the user to site calibrate the instrument and achieve improved accuracy. Further research and development led to a single probe with multiple sensors capable of “profiling” the velocity distribution on a continuous basis.
With the system, an array of five electromagnetic sensors are strategically placed along a single probe body. Each sensor consists of a single independent magnetic coil and electrode pair. They are positioned such that each sensor represents an equal area of the flow. This method produces an area-weighted average velocity which in turn is used to calculate flow.
Each Multi-Mag sensor is custom-built by Marsh-McBirney to the exact specifications supplied by the customer. Building sensors to exact inside pipe diameters ensures the highest possible accuracy. The result of this unique design is a cost effective flowmeter that accurately measures flow in applications where piping configurations are less than ideal.