The Intake Water Selector (IWS) is a reservoir management and raw water pretreatment tool designed to enable operators, in real time, to understand and control the water quality drawn into the treatment plant influent. |
The Intake Water Selector (IWS) is a reservoir management and raw water pretreatment tool designed to enable operators, in real time, to understand and control the water quality drawn into the treatment plant influent. The Selector offers the ability to allow a thin profile of preferred water to enter the water quality barrier. Within this zone, only preferred water exists and therefore only preferred water is permitted to enter the fixed gates of the intake regardless of which intake gate is open.
In the trial case, the epilimnion (upper stratified layer within the reservoir) exhibits high levels of T&O and turbidity associated with algae. One or more of the Water Selector gates will be opened that is below the well-mixed upper layer but above the oxygen-poor lower depths. The selected water will be harvested using a lower fixed intake gate whereby only preferred water with lower T&O and yet also minimized iron, manganese, hydrogen sulfide and organics is permitted into the WTP. This makes treatment easier and less costly with reduced chemical demand and with reduced risk of unacceptable treated water to the customer.
While a considered reservoir management program is important, the cost and practicality of effective implementation of whole-basin corrective actions can be prohibitive. This is where Water Selector has significant value. It allows understanding of the environment local to the intake structure, selection of preferred water quality and pretreatment in-reservoir prior to harvesting via the intake.
Ixom Watercare is exhibiting at WEFTEC.17, Booth 7751. For more information, visit