JACKSONVILLE, FL, Oct. 3, 2005 -- In a timely and compelling keynote address at the joint Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) South Central-South Atlantic Regional Education and Training Conference and The Infrastructure Security Partnership (TISP) fourth annual Congress on Infrastructure Security for the Built Environment, Brig. Gen. Gerald E. Galloway, U.S. Army (ret.), a Glenn L. Martin Institute professor of engineering at the University of Maryland, will discuss lessons learned from Hurricane Katrina, focusing on infrastructure protection issues. It is just one of many sessions that will bring hundreds of engineering, design, construction and security professionals to the St. Johns County Convention Center in St. Augustine, Fla., Oct. 18-20.
Throughout the two-day event, sessions will feature experts from both the public and private sectors and will focus on a variety of topics concerning the state of the nation's built and natural environments. Sessions will highlight best practices in building design and construction, technology and standards, liability management, risk and mitigation strategies, as well as the rebuilding efforts in Iraq, the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan, coastal shore protection and hurricane recovery, Naval operations, and environmental protection. Featured sessions include:
• National Infrastructure Security Planning Initiatives -- addressing the National Response Plan, National Infrastructure Protection Plan and critical infrastructure plans for military and domestic agencies, moderated by Dwight Beranek, P.E., Deputy Director of Military Programs, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers;
• Regional, State and Local Infrastructure Security Planning Initiatives -- focusing on vulnerability and risk assessment at the regional, state and local level, moderated by Edward Hecker, Chief, Homeland Security Office, U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers;
• State and Local Forum: Priorities for Infrastructure Security -- examining local and state strategies and priorities for infrastructure security from a comprehensive risk perspective, moderated by Lt. Gen. Henry J. Hatch, P.E., USA (ret.); and
• Keynote presentations -- will be given by Rear Adm. Richard Cellon, U.S. Navy, and Brig. Gen. Jose M. Rosado, Commander, U.S. Army Reserves, 65th RRC Command Group. Rosado will discuss the role of U.S. Army Reserve Engineer Units in support of the Global War on Terrorism.
A sold out exhibit hall will feature demonstrations of the latest products, services and technologies. For more information on the event, please visit www.samejax.com/regional/.
Founded in 1920, SAME brings together public and private architects, engineers of most disciplines, constructors, and manufacturers and suppliers of engineering equipment for the purpose of improving U.S. national security.
SAME represents nearly 22,000 members and 3,100 companies and public agencies. For more information, visit www.same.org.
The Infrastructure Security Partnership (TISP) was established following the tragic events of September 11, 2001 as a forum for U.S-based public and private sector non-profit organizations to collaborate on issues regarding the security of the nation's built environment, including resilience to natural and man-made disasters through effective and efficient planning, design, construction and operation.. Membership includes more than 200 organizations and agencies representing more than 2 million individuals and firms. For more information, visit www.tisp.org.