HARRISBURG, PA, May 6, 2011 -- In Pennsylvania, the Commonwealth Financing Authority has approved $172 million through the H2O PA program to fund 160 water infrastructure projects in 51 counties.
"Pennsylvania's limited construction season gives urgency to the projects approved this week. I am glad we were able to quickly and efficiently get these critical funds into the hands of our communities," said Department of Community and Economic Development Secretary C. Alan Walker. "These investments will be a great help to cash-strapped municipalities that need to upgrade their aging and deteriorating water infrastructure systems."
H2O PA provides grants for flood control projects, construction of drinking water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer projects and high hazard or unsafe dam projects.
The new awards range from a $52,405 grant to make improvements to an inefficient sewer system in Montgomery County to a $4 million grant to construct five pump stations in Northumberland County.
For a complete list of projects and their descriptions please visit www.newpa.com, search keyword "CFA," and follow the link titled "H2O PA Annual Report."