AvCount particle counters from Seta Analytics are available as both bench-top and portable models.
Their extended sensitivity and ability to classify particles into sizes means that applications for particle counting in the potable water industry are wide ranging, extending far beyond a basic measurement of the plant influent and effluent. Particle counters in the field provide an invaluable tool for the analysis of the cleanliness of a sample; investigating seasonal changes in suspended solids due to rainfall; dust and grit contamination from quarrying and mining processes, and others.
In the plant, either as portable or installed systems, they can be used to monitor filter efficiency, for predictive maintenance by indicating the need for back-flushing or for detecting the onset of failure of membrane filters. Particle counting can give an insight into the control of coagulation and flocculation processes, helping to determine the optimum quantity of coagulant to be added to the raw water and the most efficient sedimentation time.
Light extinction (laser obscuration) particle counters, like AvCount from Seta Analytics, are capable of measuring down to the 3 μm region. They are sufficiently sensitive to give a surrogate indication of the presence of microorganisms by measuring and counting cysts and oocysts from microbial contaminants such as Cryptosporidium (4 to 6 μm), Cyclospora (8 to 10 μm) and Giardia (8 to 12 μm).
Seta Analytics (a division of Stanhope-Seta) produces a number of particle counters suitable for use in the water industry, including laboratory, in-line and portable versions. Learn more at www.stanhope-seta.co.uk/AvCount_Particle_Counting.asp.
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