By Adam Neumayer
Change is often the harbinger of opportunity, although it may not seem that way at first. Most will agree that we are likely to see a changing regulatory environment in the coming years. How do we, as an industry, best adapt to sustain the progress we are all looking to make? A good place to start is to find reliable information and industry experts.
Some may wonder what this column is. It is a forum for insights and perspectives from the Wastewater Equipment Manufacturers Association (WWEMA) members. WWEMA members represent a wide range of water and wastewater solution providers in all areas of municipal and industrial facilities. Much like our colleagues at WEF, AWWA, and other environmentally-oriented non-profit organizations, our members have a vested interest in fostering solutions to challenging water related issues. WWEMA has been working to advance the water industry for well over 100 years, making it as “senior” as some of the most well recognized organizations in our field. Founded in 1908, WWEMA has been the voice of water and wastewater manufacturers actively engaging with communities and policy makers to support feasible approaches to water-related issues.
In times of change, perspective, experience, and insight pay huge dividends to those who recognize the value. For WWEMA, this is derived from members working together to advance the shared interests of the water industry. WWEMA’s mission to Advocate, Inform, and Connect is particularly salient in our current regulatory environment.
WWEMA engages, encourages, and supports initiatives that move the market in a positive direction. Most significantly, it takes a leadership role in supporting sustainable infrastructure financing, improving adoption of new and innovative technologies, and advancing a holistic approach toward the stewardship of the water environment. Monitoring and communicating directly with members of Congress, federal and state agencies, and industry stakeholders, WWEMA provides real, tangible value to membership through a weekly Member Bulletin detailing changes in the regulatory, policy, and funding environment. This improves understanding and creates opportunities for water and wastewater solutions providers to better adapt to the needs of the customer.
Building on its advocacy work, WWEMA serves a vital role by helping companies understand what emerging trends will affect the marketplace and, more importantly, what is driving the trends. In these changing times, accurate, current, and relevant information may be the most valuable of all commodities. With the rapid pace of information, many organizations struggle to remain current with sufficient detail to make informed business decisions. WWEMA provides an excellent solution through its commitment to providing tools that benefit membership and industry stakeholders.
There are many ways that WWEMA informs on the topics of products, technology, market conditions, and in turn, opportunities. It develops educational programs often delivered in webinars and the weekly Member Bulletin covers the legislative and regulatory environment, industry trends, and pertinent international news. For those who prefer face-to-face interactions there are annual forums and meetings to provide current and real-time information with a comprehensive industry view. These promote dialog and education for key decision makers and drive sharing of best practices.
One of the biggest challenges in business is quickly getting to the right person to get accurate information and move toward positive progress. Are your looking for someone willing to pilot a new solution? Are you looking to understand the driver for a new marketplace trend? WWEMA is a great place to engage with other industry stakeholders and experts who can inform and connect. WWEMA drives this through strategic partnerships with allied organizations and joint events with engineers, utilities, states, and other industry stakeholders. The objective is to share, debate, and better understand trends and needs in the marketplace. Throughout its long history, WWEMA has been a vital link in connecting solution providers, industry experts, consultants, and policymakers to work toward positive progress.
Now more than ever, member-driven organizations provide real, tangible value. Whether through advocacy work, improved understanding or connecting with colleagues, organizations like WWEMA can be the difference between success and failure. Why not improve your odds of recognizing a new trend or opportunity? Reach out, get engaged, and your organization will certainly benefit.
About the Author: Adam Neumayer is director and general manager of Hydro International – Water and Wastewater Solutions, as well as a member of the WWEMA Board of Directors. For more information about WWEMA go to Interested in becoming a WWEMA member? Contact Robert Pignato at [email protected].