Assistant Administrator for Water Speaks at World Watershed Summit
EPA's Assistant Administrator for Water G. Tracy Mehan, III will speak today at the World Watershed Summit at the J.W. Marriott Hotel in Washington, D.C. Earlier this week he gave a keynote address before the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington, D.C.
National Drinking Water Advisory Council - Notice of Public Meeting
On Nov. 20-21, the National Drinking Water Advisory Council will hear presentations and have discussions on topics important to the Environmental Protection Agency's national drinking water program.
The meeting will include updates on the Radon and Ground Water rules; status reports from working groups on affordability and the Contaminant Candidate List; source water protection initiatives; and progress in implementing the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness Response Act of 2002.
Members of the public that would like to attend the meeting, present an oral statement, or submit a written statement, should contact Brenda Johnson, Designated Federal Officer, National Drinking Water Advisory Council, at 202-564-3791, by e-mail to [email protected], or by regular mail to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water (4601), 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, D.C. 20460.
Public Stakeholder Meeting on Distribution Systems
On Oct. 21, EPA published a Federal Register Notice of a public stakeholder meeting to discuss distribution system issues of potential public health concern (water quality changes after water leaves the treatment plant).
The next meeting will be held on Nov. 14 in Seattle, Washington. EPA plans to present information from nine distribution system white papers, followed by an overview of public feedback on the issues. For more information, please contact Ken Rotert at 202-564-5280.
Call for Abstracts: Cooling Water Intakes
On May 6-7, 2003, the Office of Water will hold a two-day symposium on the effectiveness and costs of technologies to reduce damage to aquatic organisms caused by cooling water intake structures. The forum for technology transfer and information exchange among experts in the field will be in Arlington, Virginia. Submit abstracts before November 25th on these topics:
• Existing & Innovative Technologies for Reducing Impingement & Entrainment
• Demonstrating & Monitoring the Efficacy of Technologies
For further details, visit the EPA website at or contact Scott Minamyer at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 26 West Martin Luther King Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45268 or by e-mail to [email protected].
Proposed Use Designation for Five Mile Creek
EPA has proposed a rule in the Federal Register for public comment by Dec. 23, 2002. The proposal, if finalized, will establish a designated water quality standards use of Fish and Wildlife for a segment of Five Mile Creek near Birmingham, Alabama.
The proposed use designation would supersede the current state-designated use of Agricultural & Industrial Water Supply. You can find the Federal Register Notice, how to get more information and how to review the administrative record by visiting EPA's web site at
Source: EPA