July 12, 2002 -- The EPA's National Water Program is launching a year-long celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the Clean Water Act by featuring water programs each month.
The nationwide campaign is focused on educating the American people about watersheds, water conservation and water monitoring, safe drinking water, non-point source pollution (polluted runoff) and others.
Administrator Christie Whitman, Assistant Administrator G. Tracy Mehan and Deputy Assistant Administrator Ben Grumbles will be participating in special events all year long and marking the actual anniversary day, Oct. 18, National Water Monitoring Day.
Administrator Christie Whitman, today (July 12), is awarding $259,742 to the State of Maine to improve beach water monitoring and public notification at Ferry Beach in Saco and at other Maine beaches.
A series of posters, bookmarks, brochures, feature articles, commentaries and other printed materials have been published in honor of the anniversary.
For the month of July we are focusing on protecting our nations beaches. The Year of the Clean Water website will be up and running soon.
"The Environmental Protection Agency has so much information that can improve the daily life of the American people and we want to get these messages out, " said G. Tracy Mehan, Assistant Administrator.
"By informing people of new ideas to solve environmental challenges, we believe this campaign will further our efforts in meeting the Clean Water Act's goals."
For more information please call Shakeba Carter-Jenkins at 202-564-6385.