Feb. 1, 2001—Eight public meetings will be held in March on the proposed Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations rule. Meetings are scheduled for: Baltimore, MD; Ames, IA; Riverside, CA; Ft. Wayne, IN; Dallas, TX; Chattanooga, TN; Denver, CO; and Boise, ID.
The purpose of these meetings is to enhance public understanding of the proposed regulations for CAFOs; they are not a mechanism for submitting formal comment on the proposal.
The meetings will consist of a brief presentation by EPA officials on the proposed regulations, followed by a question and answer session. Participants are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the basic aspects of the proposed regulations prior to attendance.
Advance registration is not required.
For information about the CAFO rule and a detailed schedule of public meetings (to be posted shortly), see http://www.epa.gov/owm/afos/rule.htm on the Internet.