Alexandria, VA, Nov. 7, 2012 -- The Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF) is seeking proposals for research to advance energy production and recovery from wastewater and residuals; that is, research projects aimed at capturing the latent energy embedded in wastewater; either by advancing a) the production of onsite energy and energy exported offsite and/or b) energy recovery, including thermal energy. The term wastewater includes not only the liquid phase, but also all solid residuals.
Greater numbers of wastewater facilities are recognizing potential opportunities for energy recovery, heat recovery, and onsite energy production, which could help them achieve net energy neutrality. “The overarching goal of this research program is to develop economical, environmentally beneficial processes, as well as new operating methodologies, that will foster energy self sufficiency for wastewater facilities that treat flows of five or more million gallons per day (20 million liters per day)” states Lauren Fillmore, WERF Senior Program Director.
WERF, in collaboration with New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), will provide up to $220,000 for the research described in this RFP. If WERF receives proposals for less than the total available funds, WERF will make every effort to fund multiple awards, up to the available funding. Proposers who bring additional resources and leverage additional funding to better achieve the objectives of this research will be given preference. The request for proposals and complete instructions are available online at Contact Senior Program Director Lauren Fillmore at (571) 384-2107 or lfillmore(at)werf(dot)org for additional information.
The Water Environment Research Foundation, a nonprofit organization formed in 1989, is America's leading independent scientific research organization dedicated to wastewater and stormwater issues.