JEFFERSON CITY, MO, June 27, 2012 -- The Missouri Department of Natural Resources is now accepting applications to fund projects that protect Missouri's waters from pollution caused by stormwater runoff.
Pollution caused by stormwater runoff, referred to technically as nonpoint source pollution, is a common and serious threat to water quality nationwide. Nonpoint source pollution occurs when pollution is released from multiple indeterminate locations making the sources difficult to identify and control. For instance, stormwater and other surface runoff from agricultural or municipal areas can carry pollutants like fertilizers, construction debris, sediment, bacteria and pesticides into nearby waters.
Grant awards can range from $5,000 to $300,000 and projects can last up to three years. Educational institutions, local governments and not-for-profit organizations are eligible to apply for funding.
Eligible projects will implement a Department of Natural Resources-accepted watershed plan to improve impaired waters and provide pollutant load reducing management practices associated with:
• Agriculture nonpoint sources.
• Urban or development nonpoint source concerns not addressed specifically by permits, or regulatory required stormwater plans.
• Abandoned mine land nonpoint sources.
• Nonpoint source issues resulting from hydrologic modification in streams.
• Projects that improve riparian habitat along streambanks.
• Nonpoint source issues in parks or other types of managed natural areas.
• Policy and ordinance development.
• Research and regulatory enforcement related projects are not eligible.
Funding for the grant program comes from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency through the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. The deadline to apply is July 23, 2012.
More information can be found on the web at
For a paper copy of the request for proposals that includes a listing of eligible watersheds or an application packet, contact Darlene Schaben, Water Protection Program, at 800-361-4827 or 573-751-7428.
For more information about the application or watershed plans, contact Greg Anderson with the Water Protection Program at 573-751-7144.