Removal of the Winnicut River Dam will restore passage for migratory fish.The head-of-tide dam is the last remaining obstruction on the mainstem of the Winnicut River and, once removed, will reconnect 39 miles of the natural riverine corridor. The owner of the dam, the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, decided in 2007 to remove the dam after an extensive feasibility study. The study determined that dam removal would be the best option to restore fish passage for migratory fish, such as river herring, American eel, and river herring, to important spawning and nursery grounds.
In June, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced the agency received $167 million to restore coastal habitat from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Through a competitive selection process, NOAA chose 50 high-priority projects from the 814 proposals submitted, including the Winnicut Dam removal. The dam removal and fish pass construction project will support 21 jobs for ecologists, engineers, construction and demolition crews.
Funding and resources for the $1.2 million total project cost has come from many federal, state, and NGO sources, including the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, N.H. Department of Environmental Services - Coastal Program, New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Coastal Conservation Association, N.H. Charitable Foundation, and the N.H. Moose Plate Grant Program.