As part of the funding provided byt Reclamation, the Santa Margarita Water District will expand the existing 3A Water Reclamation Plant to provide up to 3,000 acre-feet per year of recycled water and energy savings.
SACRAMENTO, CA, SEPT 6, 2017 -- The Bureau of Reclamation announced it has selected two California projects to receive $1.5 million total in CALFED Water Use Efficiency grants for fiscal year 2017. Combined with local cost-share contributions, these projects are expected to implement about $6.9 million in water management improvements during the next 24 months.
The projects will conserve an estimated 733 acre-feet per year of water, contributing to the CALFED Bay-Delta Program objectives of improving ecosystem health, water supply reliability and water quality. California and federal agencies are partners in the 30-year program (2000-2030).
Reclamation made the selection through a competitive process, giving priority consideration to projects that address CALFED goals on a statewide basis. Here's a closer look at the two selected applicants and projects:
Santa Margarita Water District, $750,000 The district will expand the existing 3A Water Reclamation Plant to provide up to 3,000 acre-feet per year of recycled water and energy savings. The project includes construction for expanding the existing facility. Annual water savings will be 390 acre-feet per year; lifetime water savings will be 19,500 acre-feet. Total project cost is $5,080,000 with a federal cost-share of $750,000.