7 key takeaways from AWWA’s Public Perceptions of Tap Water survey

Aug. 1, 2024
AWWA has released their Public Perceptions of Tap Water survey. We’ve listed some of the key takeaways from the survey.

The American Water Works Association (AWWA), partnered with Morning Consult, released a report in July 2024 that surveyed more than 2,000 consumers about their perceptions of tap water.

Listed below are some of the key takeaways from the survey.

  1. Most adults view water at their faucets as safe and those who trust their water utilities and are aware of water testing are more likely to view it as safe. The study indicated that 72% of adults with a public water supply found their tap water as either very safe or somewhat safe. 20% of respondents said that they feel their tap water is somewhat safe or very unsafe.
  2. Adults who received recent communications from a water utility are three times more likely than those who did not to say the safety of their water supply has gotten better over the past five years. This means that customers who received communications outside of a bill say that their water supply has gotten better (14%). 67% of adults with public water supply responded that their water supply has stayed about the same. 10% said that it has gotten worse.
  3. Adults who distrust their water utilities indicate that to gain their trust, utilities need to improve water quality and safety, followed by bettering the infrastructure and cutting prices. 60% of respondents said they would like to see an improvement in water quality and safety, and 24% said they would like to see better infrastructure and price cutting to improve their trust.
  4. Three in five adults positively rate the quality of water at their faucets, especially those who are satisfied with their water utilities and are aware of water testing. 60% of adults with public water supply said the quality of water at their faucets was excellent or good. 40% said that the water was fair or poor.
  5. One in three adults struggle with paying their water bills on time. 33% said they struggle a lot or some with paying their water bills on time. 59% said that they don’t struggle much or not at all with paying their water bills.
  6. While over half of adults are aware that their utilities frequently test their water, those who received recent communications from their water utilities are more likely to be aware. 55% of adults with public water supply are very aware or somewhat aware of utilities frequently testing their water. 45% are not very aware or not aware at all of frequent water testing.
  7. Water utility is the most trusted source among adults when getting information about their water supply, followed by scientists and local government. 70% of adults trust a lot or some in their water utilities information on water supply. 68% of adults trust a lot or some in scientists information on water supply, and 59% trust a lot or some in their local governments information on water supply.

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