A jacking plate was attached to the end of the pipe string.
FWC Joint Flexibility
Rene Garcia, senior engineering associate with HOBAS Pipe USA, noted, "One of the benefits of HOBAS' FWC coupling joint is the capability for angular rotation. Based on the maximum one-inch gap allowed between the pipe end and the coupling center register, the 78-inch FWC is capable of 0.7 degrees of rotation while maintaining a positive seal. For a nominal 20-foot pipe length, rotating the 78-inch FWC joint to its maximum angle results in approximately three-inch offset." One reason HOBAS pipes were selected for the subaqueous installation was their joint flexibility.
Specially made wrapped FWC couplings were designed for this project. "This method of installation required a long string with a bed that was never visible," explained Reavis. "The FWC joints provided flexibility in each joint to minimize potential point loading. In addition, hole clips were attached at each joint to act as cable guides to control the string's lateral path."
The 700 linear feet of pipe was installed in two sections, a push of 400 feet was followed by the remaining 300 feet. Divers were needed only to attach the pipe to the outlet structure. This was done by a FWC coupling having been previously installed on the outlet structure, connecting the spigot end of the line.
Meets Tight Schedule
The use of HOBAS pipes allowed for a quick installation. "HOBAS was able to supply the pipe in a short duration and have it delivered to meet the extremely tight completion schedule. Boyer Inc. selected HOBAS for its strength, size/weight ratio and durability for this installation technique," affirmed Reavis. HOBAS CCFRPM pipes' reliable performance and leak free joints insure a long service life.
HOBAS pipes were selected for the most difficult installation on the 19.8-mile line due to their leak-free and flexible joints. In addition, their ease of installation allowed for the 700 feet to be installed in just two days. With the line in operation for roughly a year, Assistant director of engineering for TRWD, Ed Weaver, commented, "The subaqueous section of HOBAS is working well for us. We have had it under normal operating conditions, with a flow of about 53 mgd."
HOBAS pipe is manufactured in sizes from 18 inches to 110 inches in pressure and non-pressure classes.
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About the Author: Erin Boudreaux is a marketing assistant for HOBAS Pipe USA.
July 2009