WASHINGTON, DC, OCT 8, 2018 -- Bureau of Reclamation has awarded almost $29 million to 61 projects in its service area.
On Oct.2, Reclamation Commissioner Brenda Burman announced that the organization has selected 54 projects to receive a total of $26.5 million through WaterSMART water and energy efficiency grants. This funding will be leveraged to accomplish approximately $167 million in improvements throughout the West. The projects funded with these grants include canal lining and piping, automated gates and control systems, and installation of advanced metering.
Water and energy efficiency grants focus on projects that conserve and use water more efficiently. The complete list of projects is available at https://www.usbr.gov/watersmart/weeg/. Projects were selected through a competitive process and must provide a minimum of a 50-percent cost-share.
Additionally, on Oct 4, Reclamation announced it has awarded $1.3 million to seven projects to establish or expand water markets or water marketing activities located in California, Colorado, Nevada, Oklahoma, and Washington.
"Water marketing provides communities a solution to move water between willing sellers and buyers within their local delivery areas," Commissioner Burman said. "A water market is just one of the several tools water managers need to manage water within their communities."
Learn more at: https://www.usbr.gov/watersmart/watermarketing/index.html.