EPA invests in Native American water infrastructure

June 1, 2022
To improve access to drinking water and wastewater services for American Indian Tribes and Alaska Native Villages, EPA is renewing the Tribal Infrastructure Task Force and investing over $150 million.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced a suite of actions to improve access to safe and reliable drinking water and wastewater services for American Indian Tribes and Alaska Native Villages.

EPA said that the actions would include the renewal of the Tribal Infrastructure Task Force (ITF) to improve coordination between federal agencies on water, wastewater and sanitation projects in Indian Country. The agency is also announcing $154 million for Tribes and Alaska Native Villages through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and an additional $2.6 million under the agency’s Small, Underserved, and Disadvantaged Communities (SUDC) Grant program.

“The agency will deepen its collaboration with federal partners and bring strategic resources to address these longstanding challenges,” said EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan. “With funding through President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, we will accelerate investment in water infrastructure that is essential to healthy communities.”

EPA’s new funding memorandum will guide the distribution of $154 million in FY22 Tribal water infrastructure funding from the IIJA. The memo is a key implementation step that outlines requirements and recommendations for the Tribal Set-Asides of the Drinking Water and Clean Water State Revolving Funds to ensure access to safe drinking water and wastewater management in Tribal communities. Eligible projects include replacing lead pipes and addressing PFAS and other emerging contaminants. In addition, EPA is announcing the availability of $2.6 million in funding from the Tribal Small, Underserved, and Disadvantaged Communities (SUDC) Grant program.

At the same time, EPA and partners across the federal government have renewed the Tribal Infrastructure Task Force to improve federal government coordination efforts to deliver water infrastructure and financial assistance to American Indian Tribes and Alaska Native Villages. The ITF will provide members with a focused platform for coordination and communication as the IIJA initiatives are implemented.

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