Water Mission, a Christian engineering nonprofit, announced that it has received a $2.27 million grant from the United Nation’s International Organization for Migration (IOM) to expand emergency safe water access in areas affected by the war in Ukraine.
The project, known as Safe Water Ukraine, will scale safe water operations across four war-torn regions in southeastern Ukraine. The funding will help Water Mission provide 40 fixed systems and five mobile safe water systems to serve residents in need of clean water.
Many cities in the region have suffered immense damage to public water and power infrastructure. Safe water access is critical in the cold winter months.
“This grant provides critical funding enabling us to quickly scale our efforts to bring emergency safe water throughout southeastern Ukraine,” says George Greene CEO and president of Water Mission. “We are thankful for IOM’s trust and support in helping our in-country teams bring relief to people without water due to extensive damage to public infrastructure.”
In April 2022, Water Mission was one of the first organizations to provide safe water access for internally displaced people (IDPs) within Ukraine. As of December, the nonprofit says that it has installed more than 40 emergency safe water systems across seven Ukrainian cities. These systems have produced more than 20 million liters of safe water, serving more than 100,000 people.
Additionally, Water Mission teams have provided on the ground engineering expertise, consulting, and water quality testing services to local municipal water operators. The nonprofit has also worked with partners to ensure dignified and hygienic living conditions for people in need by distributing necessary hygiene items, more than 10,000 hygiene kits, and three million water purification packets.