EPA allocates $2.4B for 2023 Clean Water State Revolving Fund

Feb. 27, 2023
Funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law has boosted grant and loan funding through the nation’s 2023 CWSRF, which will support water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure improvements.

The U.S. EPA has announced over $2.4 billion from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law through this year’s Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF).

The funding will support communities in upgrading their water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure. Nearly half of this funding will be available as grants or principal forgiveness loans helping underserved communities.

The $2.4 billion is the second wave of funding made possible by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. In May 2022, EPA announced the initial allotment of $1.9 billion from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to states, Tribes and territories through the CWSRF.

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law makes over $50 billion available for water and wastewater infrastructure improvements across the country between FY2022 and FY2026.

EPA also provided a state-by-state breakdown of allocated 2023 CWSRF funding. The allotments for each state is as follows:

Alabama $23,543,000
Alaska $12,601,000
Arizona $14,221,000
Arkansas $13,773,000
California $150,581,000
Colorado $16,842,000
Connecticut $25,793,000
Delaware $10,336,000
Florida $71,070,000
Georgia $35,598,000
Hawaii $16,307,000
Idaho $10,336,000
Illinois $95,222,000
Indiana $50,741,000
Iowa $28,495,000
Kansas $19,005,000
Kentucky $26,797,000
Louisiana $23,145,000
Maine $16,298,000
Maryland $50,922,000
Massachusetts $71,484,000
Michigan $90,530,000
Minnesota $38,698,000
Mississippi $18,969,000
Missouri $58,367,000
Montana $10,336,000
Nebraska $10,769,000
Nevada $10,336,000
New Hampshire $21,040,000
New Jersey $86,038,000
New Mexico $10,336,000
New York $232,392,000
North Carolina $37,999,000
North Dakota $10,336,000
Ohio $118,528,000
Oklahoma $17,010,000
Oregon $23,784,000
Pennsylvania $83,400,000
Puerto Rico $27,461,000
Rhode Island $14,137,000
South Carolina $21,569,000
South Dakota $10,336,000
Tennessee $30,585,000
Texas $96,232,000
Utah $11,094,000
Vermont $10,336,000
Virginia $43,089,000
Washington $36,614,000
West Virginia $32,821,000
Wisconsin $56,920,000
Wyoming $10,336,000
District of Columbia $10,336,000
American Samoa** $11,691,000
Guam** $8,459,000
Northern Marianas** $5,434,000
Virgin Islands** $6,785,000

In addition to this announcement, EPA says that the 2023 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund allocations and program updates are forthcoming, pending completion of the seventh Drinking Water Infrastructure Needs Survey and Assessment. EPA anticipates releasing the information in March 2023.

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