Figure 1. Norfolk town center |
The Blackberry River flows through a portion of the Town of Norfolk and this portion of the river is listed on the State 303d as impaired for nutrients. Water testing determined that stormwater was the primary source of the impairment. The town wanted to address this by creating a "stormwater park" in the City Meadow.
Project Description
The stormwater treatment system has not only been designed to reduce the pollutant loads from the runoff but also to function as a public amenity. The Stormwater Park will include pedestrian features to provide a connection to the existing commercial center of the town and encourage the public to passively use this area.
From a water quality perspective, the primary pollutants of concern are phosphorus, nitrogen, total suspended solids, metals, and hydrocarbons. In order to reduce these pollutant loads, the design utilized a treatment train approach including a forebay, wet swales, stone swales, a constructed wetland system and a deep water pond. Stone swales were incorporated to create an open water feature where two small waterfalls will increase the oxygen levels in the water.
Design of the Treatment System
The watershed area was determined to be 21.59 acres and consists of a mix of roadways and predominantly single family residences. The peak rate of runoff was determined for the two-year storm (21.19 cfs) and 10-year storm (43.68 cfs). The Water Quality Volume (WQV) for the contributing area was calculated to be 648.6 cubic feet.
The most important component of a stormwater treatment system is the forebay, a depressed area located at the inlet of a stormwater treatment system. The forebay must provide a minimum of 10% of the required WQV, have a depth of 4 to 6 feet and a length-to-width ratio of 3:1. These parameters are very important to permit coarse and some fine sediment particles to settle out and not be resuspended during future storm events.
After evaluating the topographic conditions on the site, it was determined that an Extended Detention Shallow Wetlands (EDSW) and deep water pond would be the primary treatment systems. These components were connected by either a wet swale or stepped stone swale to provide additional water quality improvement as well as a stable conveyance system that would not be subject to erosion.
The EDSW was designed along the eastern side of the site at the base of the steep slope. It is approximately 290 feet in length with an average width of 50 feet, which provides a 5.8:1 ratio. Four areas of high marsh were created and the low marsh intertwining between the high marsh areas. At the northern end of the system, a 10-foot-deep micro-pool was created. A broad, shallow wet swale conveys the stormwater from the forebay to the EDSW.
A deep water pond was utilized to create a focal point in the park. In order to make the Stormwater Park attractive to the public, designers wanted to create unique features in conjunction with the stormwater treatment aspects. To accomplish that, the swale from the EDSW to the pond was designed as a natural stone channel. A narrow, shallow channel in the center of it was designed for stormwater from small events, while a larger channel section was utilized for larger storm flows.
As the swale had approximately a 15 foot drop, two stone water falls were built into the slope of the swale to create the sound of falling water as well as to aerate the flow. The swale had a curvilinear alignment to create interest on the landscape. Figure 2 shows the design of the stormwater components in the City Meadow.