YSI, a Xylem brand

Yellow Springs, OH


About YSI, a Xylem brand

Product Summary

Instruments for spot sampling in the plant, continuously controlling the process, or conducting laboratory analysis.


1725 Brannum Lane
Yellow Springs, OH

More Info on YSI, a Xylem brand

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YSI, a Xylem brand, is a trusted water quality partner to the wastewater industry with an array of capabilities in the lab, field, and continuous process monitoring and control settings. YSI’s IQ SensorNet network-based continuous water quality monitoring and control system improves operational efficiency while allowing for simple, modular expansion. The IQ measures any combination of up to 20 parameters for DO, pH, TSS, turbidity, nitrate and more.

YSI’s lab and field instruments provide confidence in your data for optical DO/BOD measurements, pH, ORP, and conductivity. Whether spot sampling in the plant, continuously controlling the process, or conducting laboratory analysis, YSI instruments are the perfect solution. Learn more at YSI.com/wastewater.

Articles & News

Phosphorus in Wastewater is a comprehensive guide for wastewater professionals to learn about phosphorus removal strategies and treatment options.
Asset Management

A Practical Guide to Phosphorus in Wastewater

Aug. 16, 2021
YSI’s new interactive handbook, Phosphorus in Wastewater, is a comprehensive guide for wastewater professionals to learn about phosphorus removal strategies and treatment options...
The 3017M DPD Chlorine Analyzer from YSI.

Accurate, Reliable Chlorine Measurement

May 12, 2021
The new 3017M DPD Chlorine Analyzer manufactured by YSI, continuously measures free or total chlorine in municipal drinking water or wastewater effluent.
YSI's IQ SensorNet

Protecting the Process

Sept. 14, 2020
At Water Resource Recovery Facilities, it is important that all process components work together to accomplish treatment goals.
The 24 MGD activated sludge wastewater treatment plant in Muncie, Ind., serves a population of approximately 31,000.
Wastewater Treatment

Aeration Upgrade in Indiana

Dec. 12, 2019
The Muncie Water Pollution Control Facility was maintaining an excessively high aeration rate, which contributed to high energy usage. The facility was looking to reduce energy...
The Seneca Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrade included the addition of a new denitrification process.
Wastewater Treatment

Water Connections: Nutrient Removal in Chesapeake Bay

Sept. 13, 2019
An upgrade of the WSSC’s Seneca Wastewater Treatment Plant in suburban Washington, D.C., included the addition of a new denitrification process to help achieve enhanced nutrient...
Xylem Inc.
Content Dam Ww Online Articles 2018 12 Wwi Xylem Nile

Xylem monitoring technology helps protect Nile River from pollution

Dec. 26, 2018
Every 30 minutes, 20 monitoring stations equipped with Xylem's YSI sondes send water data directly to the environmental ministry.
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Potable Water Quality

Continuous Wastewater Monitoring

Sept. 1, 2018
YSI’s SensorNet system of sensors is designed to continuously monitor the wastewater process to help reduce operating costs and improve process efficiency.
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Potable Water Quality

Reduce Operating Costs with Monitoring, Control

May 1, 2018
YSI’s IQ SensorNet continuous monitoring and control instruments can measure up to 20 parameters.

Videos & Resources

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WEFTEC.16 YSI, a Xylem brand

Oct. 14, 2016
YSI's Theresa McGeady discusses the company's water quality monitoring instruments and samplers.
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WEFTEC.15 YSI, a Xylem Brand

Oct. 16, 2015
YSI's Laura St. Pierre discusses some of the company's instrumentation products designed to help water utility lab personnel with compliance requirements. Highlights include MultiLab...


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All content from YSI, a Xylem brand

Content Dam Ww Print Articles 2017 06 1706wwfoc P01
Potable Water Quality

Dissolved Oxygen and Temperature Meter

June 1, 2017
The YSI Pro20i is a dissolved oxygen and temperature meter ideal for quick spot sampling of wastewater and receiving waters. Easy to use, rugged and reliable, the YSI Pro20i puts...