A display vessel designed with ‘Made in America’ flag.
The Carlsbad Desalination Facility, for example, is the largest desalination RO system in the western hemisphere. It contains more than 2,200 RO pressure vessels with design pressure of 1,200 psi. These vessels were qualified under ASME’s Section X and operated above 7,200 psi before failure. Vessels manufactured with the ASME code plate all have gone through this rigorous qualification testing and each vessel is hydrostatically tested before the code plate is applied.
Today’s RO vessels are available in a range of pressure ratings depending on the membranes being used and the type of water being treated. Sea water has high osmotic pressure (~400 psi), meaning that high operating pressures are required to overcome the osmotic pressures developed in the concentrate stream. Other common pressure ratings are 300, 450, 600 and 1,000 psi. Newly developed higher pressure ratings (up to 1,800 psi) are now available.