New edition of book brings water safety to the forefront of public health.
The most widely respected and globally utilized water examination manual for over a century, Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, ISBN: 978-0-87553-287-5, is now available in its 23rd edition. Published jointly by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA) and the Water Environment Federation (WEF), Standard Methods reflects the latest developments in water analysis and emerging priorities in water safety.
“All the information a user needs for water analysis is found in one book,” said Steve Posavec, a former Standard Methods technical information manager for the AWWA. “And users who purchase the book will receive a code for a free, one-year trial of for online access to the latest methods without having to wait for the next print edition.”
This expanded and revised version of Standard Methods features more than 80 revised methods and five new methods useful not only to water and wastewater professionals, but also to public health workers. Significant additions include a new method to test for pharmaceuticals and personal care products in drinking water, as well as new and more realistic photos to help users identify aquatic organisms.
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Central to the book are quality control methods used in laboratory testing, as they play an important role in preventing water-borne infections and keeping people safe from a range of illnesses in compliance with the Environmental Protection Agency. “Quality control is absolutely essential to ensure each method produces accurate results that help protect public health,” said Eileen O’Neill, executive director of WEF. “The techniques outlined in this book are developed and updated by the more than 300 water quality researchers on the Standard Methods Committee and undergo a rigorous review process.”
Water emergencies, such as the ongoing crisis in Flint, Michigan, reflect the need for stringent water standards nationwide to protect communities from the health effects of contaminated water. “The crisis in Flint demonstrates the urgent need for safe, clean drinking water in all communities,” said Georges Benjamin, MD, executive director of APHA. “Standard Methods continues to serve as a vital resource for water and wastewater analysis worldwide.”
Book ordering information: Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 23rd edition, ISBN: 978-0-87553-287-5, $395 list price, $225 member price (for any of the three partner organizations). To order, call toll-free 888-320-APHA; email [email protected] or visit the APHA Bookstore at
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