
Nov. 22, 2017
UNI-GROUP USAManufactured nationwide by local UNI manufacturers, Eco-Priora permeable interlocking concrete pavers infiltrate stormwater runoff and save money by combining parking and detention. Eco-Priora reduces impacts on combined storm/sewer systems, mitigates runoff volumes and peak flows, and qualifies for LEED and other green rating systems credits. Eco-Priora is available in rectangle and square styles with patented interlocking spacers that offer superior structural stability under traffic loading, and withstands turning movements without surface degradation or

HYDRA TMDL SYSTEMS INC.In September of 2014, the City of Los Angeles selected the Hydra ARS for installation and testing in the Koreatown district. Koreatown has a calibrated Continuous Deflection Separation (CDS) system installed to evaluate the effectiveness of Automatic Retractable Screen (ARS) and Connecting Pipe Screen designs. This area was selected due to the high volume of trash on the streets and the ability to monitor the efficiency of the Hydra TMDL system. The Koreatown district calculated an accurate effectiveness rate of the Hydra TMDL system by vaulting all minimum rainfall of 0.25 inch per hour to the CDS. The Hydra ARS received the highest BMP rating of 93% as a result of the testing of several competitor

AP/M PERMAFORMEvery stormwater rehabilitation project has its unique challenges—from severe structural damage, to emergency repairs to save a roadway, or preventing a reservoir from collapsing and flooding nearby neighborhoods or towns. Cities, counties, and DOTs have discovered the benefits of CentriPipe—a centrifugally cast concrete pipe solution pioneered by AP/M Permaform—for their critical pipe reair and maintenance programs involving 36 inches and larger CMP, brick, and RCP pipes of all
DANNARDANNAR’s MPS is the first of its kind, electric heavy-duty vehicle for disaster response and maintenance. It is outfitted with a hydraulic attachment system and optional work arms that can be outfitted with any CAT or Bobcat attachments. The MPS replaces traditional diesel equipment. Fully submersible and with its four-wheel drive, off-road capability, the MPS is the right piece of equipment for power outages, flood events, tornadoes, hurricanes, and blizzards. It carries a two-way charger and inverter that allow for emergency export power from the battery
AMERICAN HYDROTECHThe InstaGreen GT-4 Tray is designed to give the designer a pre-vegetated Garden Roof option that reflects the Hydrotech philosophy of a fully integrated assembly. The tray itself has a uniquely structured bottom element that provides large amounts of water storage for plant use, as well as an aeration feature that helps ensure that gas exchange occurs at the bottom of the media column. This unique water storage area is useful in those applications where stormwater management is a key consideration. Its built-in water reservoirs and high-capacity growing media makes the InstaGreen GT-4 Tray an integral part of a stormwater management

CULTECCULTEC specializes in providing chambers for Stormwater management and manufactures chambers that adhere to strict standards. The Recharger 902HD chamber is a 48-inch-tall, ultra-high capacity chamber that has been designed and tested in accordance with ASTM F2787 Standard Practice for Structural Design of Thermoplastic Corrugated Wall Stormwater Collection Chambers. Following rigorous tests including measurement of short- and long-term physical properties, and live and dead loading, the Recharger 902HD has been certified to meet the standards set by Canadian Standards Association B184 Series-11 for polymeric subsurface stormwater management

SUNMARKNorthwest Stormwater Management has a catch basin insert that now makes it possible to deploy EarthLite Stormwater Filter Media for heavy metals removal. Custom built to fit your catch basin, they are long-lasting, easy to clean, and easily replace the EarthLite Stormwater Filter Media as needed. EarthLite Stormwater Filter Media is the best Biochar Stormwater Filter Media on the market for removing heavy metals—and it’s organic!
SUPERIORROADS SOLUTIONSThe SuperiorRoads S3 is the most powerful sweeper in the industry. It picks up more debris—including millings left from road construction—and its durable, low-maintenance elevator puts it into the hopper faster. Operators will appreciate its comfort, maneuverability, and visibility. Owners will appreciate its low operating and maintenance costs and the way it retains its value. The highly efficient S2 is the contractor’s choice and perfect for small cities. It may be smaller, but it has the power and the features operators are looking
BEST MANAGEMENT PRODUCTSBMP’s new “Marina Kit” comes with a 12-inch SNOUT and a Bio-Skirt to help ­waterfront facilities clean up their most troublesome pollutants—trash and oil. The SNOUT is simple: It acts as a baffle. When installed in a sump catch basin, it skims the floatable trash off of the surface and allows heavier materials to sink to the ­bottom. The Bio-Skirt is a floating skirted-boom, which attaches to the SNOUT to target hydrocarbons like emulsified oils and

WATERSHED GEOWhat is Concrete-Enhanced Synthetic Turf (CEST), and how can you best apply it to your site to capitalize on the environmental benefits of vegetation and the performance and maintenance of hard armor? Speaker Bradford Cooley, P.E., will give a free webcast exploring CEST revetment systems, including key elements and applications, installation and design best practices, hydraulic and non-hydraulic performance results, and how to implement CEST to improve performance and reduce maintenance costs. The webcast will review CEST—key components, considerations, and how it works—details of hydraulic and non-hydraulic performance; testing; and benefits over traditional hard armor revetments (e.g., performance, application, installation, environment, and cost)

HI-VAC CORPORATIONThe Jumbo Combo features a 5,250 CFM 27-inch Hg blower, the most powerful in the industry. It is ideally suited for large-diameter-pipe cleaning jobs that smaller water pumps and vacuum systems would not be able to complete effectively or efficiently. The water pump on the Jumbo Combo works at up to 150 GPM.

The Jumbo Combo also features boiler plate steel debris tanks that carry a lifetime warranty and a transfer case drive that is simple, reliable, and powerful.

SOIL RETENTION PRODUCTS INC.Soil Retention Products, Inc., the leading provider of plantable concrete systems, just launched its newest product: Drivable Turf. This pre-cut artificial turf solution fits to Soil Retention’s permeable, flexible concrete pavement system, Drivable Grass. Drivable Turf comes in 4 by 4-foot sections and fits perfectly into the void spaces of Drivable Grass. The turf is easily installed in combination with Drivable Grass, without the need to measure, cut, and space.

Drivable Turf is a win-win for contractors looking to reduce hours and labor costs yet still provide a low-maintenance green scape solution for a permeable pavement system for walkways, pathways, driveways, and more.

ERNST SEEDSErnst Conservation Seeds grows, processes, and sells over 400 species of native and naturalized seeds and live plant materials for restoration, beautification, reclamation, and conservation. The company identifies, collects, and propagates new species and ecotypes that meet its clients’ needs, from eastern Canada to the southeastern

PLASTIC SOLUTIONS INC.Plastic Solutions Inc. was founded in 1997 with the vision to supply structural plastic trash racks to the stormwater management industry. Since then, a significant amount of research and development has gone into product testing—including load testing, UV resistance, flammability, resin additives, and water flow restriction requirements—all with excellent results. Today, Plastic Solutions supplies high-quality, industry-leading trash racks, and also sells HDPE pipe, HDPE fittings, ChamberMaxx pipe, PVC pipe, plastic catch and drain basins, and plastic sheet goods. The company has certified shop and field welders to ensure all requirements are

STORMCHAMBERSHydroLogic Solution’s StormChamber systems are highly cost effective for control of stormwater runoff, peak flow attenuation, sediment control, nutrient and pollutant removal, and stormwater conveyance. One row of 34-inch StormChambers provides conveyance capacity approximately equivalent to 42-inch pipe; 52-inch pipe with our 44-inch StormChambers. StormChamber systems are less expensive, and easier and quicker to maintain than other types of underground
PAVEDRAIN LLCThe PaveDrain system is a patented and permeable paving surface designed with the joints between the blocks left open for an unprecedented infiltration rate (i.e., NO ROCKS). Maintenance is accomplished with conventional street vacuuming equipment or the PaveDrain Vac Head. PaveDrain is ADA Compliant, HS-25 Load rated, manufactured throughout the US, and available in colors. What does your pavement do for you?

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