Experts in the field of urban water efficiency and conservation are invited to submit abstracts for the 12th annual WaterSmart Innovations Conference and Exposition (WSI), slated for October 2-3 in Las Vegas.
Abstracts must be submitted to [email protected] no later than Thursday, Feb. 28. Candidates must include contact information, organization name, and the name and contact information for any secondary speaker with their abstract.
Professionals, scientists, government employees, public- and private-sector institutions, policy makers, students, and all others working in an industry related to water efficiency are invited to submit an abstract for an oral presentation, panel discussion or workshop.
A complete list of topics and submittal guidelines is available at the WSI website, Candidates chosen as presenters will be notified by e-mail and postal mail no later than Monday, April 29.
The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago is seeking a visionary Executive Director. The District is an award-winning wastewater agency which has been a leader in protecting the Chicago area water environment for over a 120 years. For information and to apply, click here or contact [email protected].
The District is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Complimentary conference registration will be provided to all accepted participants for the day of their presentation only, or receive a $110 discount off full conference registration of $395.
Event organizers continue to build upon the successes of previous WSI conferences, which serves to broaden the knowledge of innovations in urban water conservation and efficiency including products, programs and outreach. WSI organizers will consider all topics related to innovations in water conservation; potential topics include:
Water/Energy Production Nexus
Drought Management
Alternate Sources
Rainwater/Greywater/Stormwater Harvesting
Sustainable Construction and Development
High Efficiency Fixtures and Appliances
Policy Development/Public Outreach
Landscapes and Outdoor Water Use
Conservation and Incentives
Education (youth, adult)
Water Loss Management
Water Efficiency and the Environment
WSI is presented by the Southern Nevada Water Authority in partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s WaterSense Program, the Alliance for Water Efficiency, the American Water Works Association, and other forward-thinking organizations. Visit for updates, schedules, and more information.