Click here to enlarge imageThis project represents the largest design/build effort for a water treatment plant in the nation. The traditional public works procurement method of design/bid/build would have added 42 months to the 52-month design/build schedule, and roughly $90 million to the $275-million D/B/M contract cost. Part of the savings was realized by the earlier decommissioning of the existing plant.
Design-Build vs. Traditional Approach
Design-build is a project delivery method in which the same entity or team both designs and constructs the project, compared to traditional design-bid-build, where different entities design and construct the project. The major differences of design-build compared to design-bid-build are:
- The design-builder provides the owner with single-point contractual responsibility - it warrants the success of the complete project, whereas under design-bid-build the contractor only warrants its construction work.
- The design-builder may factor cost and constructibility more highly than other issues important to the owner such as quality design and construction.
- The owner's role now includes functions traditionally performed by the designer - preparing the project specifications and overseeing the project's implementation.
- Design-build's potential benefits to the owner may include faster project delivery time, earlier project cost determination, single-point responsibility, fewer claims, and better-value design. The design-builder also realizes potential benefits: greater control over the project, and avoiding the sometimes adversarial relationship between owner/ designer and builder.
- For the owner, the potential risks of design-build include the absence of a design professional to protect the owner's interests, potential reduction in the owner's input into the design quality and details, and potentially higher costs for changes in scope.
Maximizing Benefits/Minimizing Drawbacks
One approach to minimizing design-build's drawbacks is to extend the design-builder's responsibilities to include operation of the facility over a fixed period (as long as 25 years). The project specification can then be a true performance specification, where, for a water treatment plant, the owner would be concerned only with the quality and quantity of the drinking water produced by the plant, and not how it was achieved.
DWSD, however, has a keen interest and strong opinion regarding building and system design, and material and equipment selection, since it would be operating the facility. By including an extended maintenance period (for seven years at Water Works Park), DWSD expects that the design-builder will include quality design principles and construction methods in order to avoid future maintenance problems. DWSD is also using the following procedures to maximize the benefits of design-build:
- Retaining its own design professional - Hazen and Sawyer - to prepare the project specifications, including the basis of process design and minimum design and construction standards; assist in evaluating proposals and negotiating the design-build contract; assist in overseeing the selected design-builder's work; and assist DWSD in all applications to state and local regulatory agencies.
- Holding informal, confidential, non-binding, one-on-one meetings with design-build proposing teams during the proposal preparation period to allow opportunity for teams to explore the acceptability of innovative design and construction ideas and concepts.
- Upon the initial review of the proposals, having proposers respond in writing to questions the owner may have regarding its proposal. This clarification stage enables the reviewers to limit their assumptions and interpretations of the proposals, and assists in defining the scope of work of the successful proposer by becoming part of the contract.
With DWSD's D/B/M modification to design/build project delivery, DWSD anticipates that it will obtain a water treatment plant that meets or exceeds its expectations in design and construction quality, as well as reduced maintenance requirements.
About the Authors:
Alexander J. Varas, P.E., is a Vice President, and Michael V. Broder, P.E., is a Senior Associate at Hazen and Sawyer. Varas is the Project Manager and Broder is the Technical and Construction Manager of the oversight project at Water Works Park. Varas has over 30 years of experience, and Broder has over 20 years of experience in managing large municipal water and wastewater projects.