JWC Environmental continues its industry leadership in the management of headworks screenings with its new Monster Wash Press. JWC is building on its legacy of innovation of screenings washing, compacting and dewatering technologies by providing a system that will cost effectively deliver the cleanest and driest screened debris of any washer-compactor system.
The Monster Wash Press features a Muffin Monster® grinder to pre-condition screenings before they enter the wash zones. The grinder effectively shreds rags, plastics and trash, which promotes removal of soft organics and fecal matter from the screened debris during washing. In the wash zone a patent-pending rotor paddle agitates shredded material to improve diffusion of spray wash water into screenings for enhanced removal of the soft organics.
The end result of the shred-and-wash design of the Monster Wash Press is that organics are returned to the wastewater treatment process while the inorganic solids are compacted into a dry plug and discharged into a collection bin. Additionally, with organic and fecal materials removed from the screenings, the headworks odors are significantly reduced.
JWC Environmental has further improved on washer compactor technology with some key maintenance features. The system is designed with a removable 6 mm screening element to allow for easy field change out and replacement. Additionally, the auger rotor and field-replaceable screen can be removed via the top of the unit instead of having to slide it out the end. This design feature minimizes the clearance space required around the Monster Wash Press installation to perform maintenance activities. WW
JWC Environmental is exhibiting at WEFTEC.18, booth 4429. For more information, visit jwce.com.
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