Water system operators typically spend anywhere from an hour a day to sometimes 10 hours per week collecting and processing data. Many small organizations send workers out to collect data on clipboards then transfer the data manually into a monthly spreadsheet. Waterly, a new app, eliminates that step, keeps utility data in a water system database, and prevents hand-written errors and double-data entry.
Waterly is a mobile-friendly platform with a user-friendly experience. Equipped with the ability to quickly generate reports, and keep information accurate and secure, utilities can save time and reduce reporting errors. These reports, specific to each state’s regulations, are a linchpin in reporting water quality and other related factors crucial to public health.
With Waterly, users can:
• Download data to Excel, PDF, and other formats as needed
• Track all data recorded, changed, and reported, at the user-level
• Generate out-of-the-box reports compliant with the EPA
• Track data over time, look for outliers, and make informed decisions
• Track maintenance and operational activities over time
• Track power and chemical usage over time
• Track data tolerance and acceptable ranges in real time, and prevent errors with validation on data entry and automatic flagging for non-standard inputs
• Automate how data is collected through workflows and SCADA integration
• Receive recommendations for system optimization based on user inputs and data over time, promoting a more effective operation