by Marcia Sherony
For the past 15 years, the market trend in the wastewater industry has been to screen with finer and finer screen openings in the headworks of a municipal wastewater treatment plant. While this trend has continued down a relatively linear path, the drivers have varied and changed. The drivers are influenced by two main factors: new regulations and technologies.
With the advancement of screening designs, the physical separation of large solids in waste water is possible. But what are the consequences? Screening with very fine openings can complicate the simplest of steps in the waste treatment process. Screening is the first unit operation in a wastewater treatment facility. A screen performs a physical separation of liquid and solids.
Screening can remove rags, paper, plastics and metals to prevent damage and clogging of equipment, piping and appurtenances. There are basically three types of screen media: Bars, Perforated Plate and Woven Wire. One of these three types of screen media is used on virtually every screen. The screen media retains the solids larger than its opening, and allows smaller solids and liquid to pass through. Therefore, the smaller the opening, the greater the solids capture. Generally, the smaller the opening the larger the screen needed. Each type of screen media has unique design criteria.
Screen openings are available in most sizes. The real question is: what is really needed? A screen should be used to remove logs, timber, stumps, large debris, large solids, rags, small debris, floatables, paper, plastics and metals. A screen is the best technology for the coarser materials. Effective screening will improve downstream processes, improve flow conditions, prevent damage and clogging of equipment and piping, and reduce maintenance. Today, most large facilities use mechanically cleaned screens to remove larger material because these screens improve flow conditions, screenings capture, and reduce labor costs.
A screen’s effectiveness, however, is impacted by its overall design. Designs that allow for solids to pass through, over or around the screen, may allow for solids larger than the screen opening to by-pass the screen and foul downstream processes. Thus, increase maintenance costs and reduce effluent quality. A screen’s efficiency is measured by its reliability, maintenance and utility requirements. Maintenance requirements include both parts and labor for the screen plus maintenance on downstream equipment. For example, if a pump downstream of the screen clogs due to large solids, the labor to clean the pump is a cost that can be associated with ineffective screening. Utilities such as water and power requirements must also be considered.
Each plant must be evaluated for its needs. A plant should maximize the screen opening so organics are not taken from the biological process, yet it should maximize solids capture to keep undesirable solids from the biological process. Maximizing the solids capture will also help to protect downstream equipment and reduce maintenance. Maximizing the screen opening and maximizing solids capture is somewhat in conflict. The most acceptable balance of the two should be used.