Typical system with nominal capacity of 500,000 gpd
Click here to enlarge imageThe systems contain five spiral wound RO or NF elements per pressure vessel. The elements use Fluid Systems(r) TFC(r) membranes, including High Rejection (HR), Ultra Low Pressure (ULP), Softening (S) and Selective Rejection (SR) membranes. The membranes are packaged as MegaMagnum elements.
The standard hydraulic system includes industrial grade pumps, valves, piping and instrumentation required for proper system operation. As part of the standard package, the high pressure feed pump is controlled by a variable frequency drive (VFD) to ensure operation over a wide range of operating conditions. Options include an interstage booster pump and a raw water feed pump. Cartridge filters are included, with N+1 on-line spare capacity to allow for change outs while the system is running.
The system includes a programmable logic controller (PLC) and a multifunctional, color touch screen human-machine interface (HMI). Data trending and Ethernet interface for remote access are part of the standard system package. The instruments needed to commission, operate, monitor and troubleshoot an RO system are also part of the standard package. These instruments include magnetic-type flowmeters on the permeate and concentrate streams, a feed pressure transmitter, first and second stage differential pressure transmitters and conductivity measurement for the feed, permeate and concentrate streams.
System Benefits
The MegaMagnum Systems have fewer vessels, elements, and connections than a typical 8-inch RO system. A typical 500,000 gpd system would need three MegaMagnum vessels with five elements per vessel compared to an 8-inch system that would require 16 vessels with seven elements per vessel. Using the larger elements reduces the number of permeate O-rings by a factor of almost 15, and the number of brine seals by more than a factor of six. This reduction in O-rings and brine seals helps reduce the chances of a seal leak and increases the on-line factor. Additionally, the number of high and low pressure piping connections is significantly reduced. For a packaged system, the floor space needed for the hydraulic skid would be the same for an 8-inch system; however, there is a savings in floor space on the vessel rack portion of the system.
Koch offers the systems in a pre-engineered, standard design with all the features needed to operate an RO plant. Several options are available to customize a system for a specific application or customer requirements.
Demonstration Unit
Piloting has been performed at several municipal sites, including the City of Scottsdale, AZ, and Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD). The pilot studies used large elements to compare performance to standard 8-inch elements. The performance data verified that the larger elements operate at the same flux and pressure and produce the same water quality at the same fouling rate as 8-inch elements.
After piloting, MWD performed a preliminary cost analysis that showed a capital cost reduction of approximately 24% could be achieved by using larger diameter elements. Based on results from the single element pilots, MWD has decided to procure a demonstration unit.
About the Authors:
Antonia von Gottberg is Director of Municipal Water Technology at Koch Membrane Systems. von Gottberg has a Master of Science in Chemical Engineering Practice from MIT, and a Master of Arts in Engineering Science from Cambridge University, plus over 12 years experience in water treatment using a variety of membrane technologies. She may be contacted at [email protected]. Tim Pond is a Project Manager at Koch Membrane Systems. He has a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering from Worcester Polytecnic Institute and has over 21 years experience in the water industry designing membrane systems.