New Products

April 1, 2003
Metal stators are now available for seepex progressive cavity pumps. The stators are made with a procedure that uses "EDM" technology.

Progressive cavity pumps

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Metal stators are now available for seepex progressive cavity pumps. The stators are made with a procedure that uses "EDM" technology. A double-helix carbon electrode is machined and then passed through a "gun-drilled" section of metal bar stock, while very high electric currents are applied to the electrode. This type of technology has been used by seepex over the last 10 years to manufacture its Tricam® rotors.
seepex, Inc.
Enon, OH
Tel: 937-864-7150

Check valve

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Red Valve's Waterflex™ Check Valve, for potable water applications, operates solely on line pressure and backpressure, no outside energy source is required. Forward hydraulic pressure folds the elastomer disk away from the perforated plate to allow flow. Reverse pressure seals the elastomer disk against the perforated plate to prevent backflow. The Waterflex has no moving parts, such as hinges or springs, which require maintenance or repair.
Red Valve Co. Inc.
Carnegie, PA
Tel: 412 279-0044

Hand valves

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R&M Energy Systems, a unit of Robbins & Myers, offers a complete line of Magnum® Hand Valves that are ideal for controlling a variety of media ranging from gases to particulate-laden liquids. Magnum angle, gauge or straight hand valves come in metal or soft seated configurations with a broad selection of sealing options engineered for high pressure and/or temperature applications.
R&M Energy Systems
Houston, TX
Tel: 281-765-4700

Handheld data collector

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Neptune's ruggedized DAP PC9800 handheld allows meter readings via keyed manual entry, wireless via the Advantage Probe or Pocket ProReader RF for probed encoders, and walk-by RF of R900 RF MIUs. The handheld will store up to 5,000 accounts with meter readings, meter location, potential hazards, and instructions. It works with either EZRouteMAPS™ or RouteMAPS® route management software.
Neptune Technology Group Inc.
Tallassee, AL
Tel: 800-633-8754

Vacuum excavation

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Vac-Tron Equipment offers its new E-Vac® wet/dry model vacuum excavation system for under $10,000. The system can be trailered or skid mounted for use on a truck or moved around by a forklift. 100 gallon high-pressure water systems are available. The company offers more than 60 models of vacuum and environmental clean-up systems, with pricing and features to fit most requirement.
Vac-Tron Equipment
Okahumpka, FL
Tel: 888-822-8766