Using sensors that most accurately measure depth of flow and velocity is allowing for the most accurate results for precisely identifying and isolating I/I distribution and severity in Naperville's collection system. This is greatly contributing to the positive results of the city's I/I mitigation program (pictured: city manhole before and after recent rehabilitation).
Click here to enlarge imageBy isolating only those portions of the system that flow measurement has shown make the greatest contribution to the I/I problem, resources can be directed where they will be most beneficial. In addition, continuous flow measurement at key locations throughout the system give the department an accurate indication of system integrity, providing important information in prioritizing maintenance tasks.
Upgrading Flow & Level Sensors
Choosing the right flow and level sensors for continuous measurement in harsh conditions without drift or fouling is critical. Naperville is currently replacing many of its older sensors with new Hach Sigma AV flow and level sensors. The newly installed sensors have been specially developed to withstand harsh environments typical of collection systems. For Naperville, the primary reasons for changing out the sensors was to eliminate sensor fouling and sensor drift.
“We had several monitoring sites in particular that caused us nothing but grief due to sensor drift and fouling,” says Conn. “Some of these older units were installed in lines that have slow velocities and heavy silt loading.” This resulted in excess sensor fouling and sensor drift and brought the department a lot of headaches. About every two weeks technicians had to clean the sensors that had fouled or level-adjust the sensors that were drifting - both time-consuming procedures, especially in confined space environments.
The robustness of the Hach Sigma AV sensors can be attributed, in part, to their interchangeable level sensor cover plates that allow the units to adapt to a variety of site conditions. In six of its permanent monitoring sites, Naperville installed the new AV sensors equipped with oil-filled cover plates, designed for use in sites susceptible to extreme fouling. With these units, the sensor cavity is filled with high-viscosity silicon oil that prevents fouling for as much as a year and can be easily replenished on site, if needed.