Product Showcase

June 1, 2016
Collection of new products of special interest to the municipal water and wastewater markets
Precise PH adjustment

Utilizing the smallest carrier stream in the industry, the CDOX® is a leader at efficiently dissolving carbon dioxide in a sidestream process. In a head-to-head comparison, the CDOX used 24% less carbon dioxide and 90% less carrier water than the alternative pressure solution feed competitor, resulting in an operational cost savings of over 40%. In addition to water usage and power consumption, the CDOX also reduces construction costs that conventional technologies require. Remote monitoring, remote control and automated treatment modes save time and money while improving water quality.


Twin shaft grinder

Eliminate rag and debris problems with the Boerger Multicrusher - an effective, widely applicable twin shaft grinder for solids and debris-laden fluids. The Multicrusher grinds and crushes foreign objects like wood, plastics, fruits, textiles, etc., to ensure the trouble-free operation of downstream equipment. The Multicrusher homogenizes the medium thereby facilitating the pumping process. It is available in 5 series with throughput volumes up to 1,400 gpm. The Multicrusher incorporates the same unique advantages of the Boerger MIP-Design as the Rotary Lobe Pumps: MIP allows the quick and convenient replacement of all wetted parts without removal of pipes.


Automation tool

The new Signet 3-0486-D Profibus Concentrator communication protocol from GF Piping Systems allows users to connect multiple GF Signet sensors, GF actuated valves and other products to their automation system, thereby reducing wires, cables, set-up time, and maintenance. The device meets UL, CSA and IEC61010 Safety approvals, has passed the EU and FCC requirements for EMI and EMC, and is certified by Profibus International. The Profibus Concentrator can interface six sensors, plus an additional 4-20 mA current loop input and output channel with proportionally controlled actuated valves or other 4-20 mA devices.

GF Piping Systems


Centrifugally cast Hobas pipe is used in many water and sewer applications. The fiberglass-reinforced, polymer mortar pipe is inherently corrosion resistant with a life expectancy of 100 years or more. Sections join with push-together, leak-free, gasket-sealed couplings. Non-pressure and pressure classes are manufactured in diameters from 18 to 126 inches. Hobas Pipe USA has earned ISO 14001 certification representing the core set of standards for environmental performance, marking the company’s dedication to environmentally friendly green practices.


Rubber seated butterfly valves

Triton Rubber Seated Butterfly Valves by Henry Pratt are used in the water and wastewater industries and conform to AWWA C504 requirements. They are available in sizes ranging from 24” through 162” in flanged and mechanical joint ends. The flow-through disc design on 30” and larger valves provides more strength with less weight and a greater free-flow area that results in lower pump costs. Another significant feature of the Triton is its patented E-Lok seat-in-body design that allows the seat to be adjusted or even replaced in the field without dewatering the pipeline.

Henry Pratt Co.

Narrow angle float

The PRIMEX® MUNI™ float is a mechanically activated, internally weighted, narrow angle float ideal for level control in municipal sewage pumping stations or applications with high grease content. Unique gold cross-point contacts provide precision and reliable control signals up to 1 amp. The CSA certified MUNI float can be used in sewage applications, in low current control panel alarms and with programmable logic controllers (PLC). Features include: three wire cables; large twin wall tear drop float design; and two tone (blue/gray) float housing color for easy identification.


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